Mobile native

Mobile UI Components

The EFL Elementary is a set of fast, finger-friendly, scalable, and themeable UI component libraries. The number of supported UI components is around 80, including both containers and non-containers. Originally, the Elementary was developed as part of the Window Manager development on Desktop devices. For the mobile profile, Tizen reused the proper UI components and created new ones, and then enhanced and adjusted all of them for Tizen native applications.

This feature is supported in mobile applications only.

The UI components are mobile-friendly: for example, the Naviframe component supports view-managing for multiple views, the Entry component supports many modes (such as Password, Single/Multi-line, Edit/No-Edit), the Index component supports fast access to another group of UI items, and the Toolbar component shows a menu when an item is selected.

The mobile UI components were designed to allow the user to interact with touch screen-equipped mobile devices. Therefore, when developing mobile applications, you can easily use them through the mobile-related infrastructure in company with view managing and when reacting to touch events and the user finger size.

Table: Available UI components
Category Component name Description
Navigation elements Toolbar The toolbar component is a scrollable list of items. It can also show a menu when an item is selected. Only one item can be selected at a time.
Index The index component provides an index for fast access to another group of UI items.
Segmentcontrol The segmentcontrol component is a horizontal control made of multiple segment items, each segment item functioning similarly as a discrete 2-state button.
Presentation views Win The win component is the root window component that will be often used in an application. It allows you to create some content in it, and it is handled by the window manager.
Background The background component can be used to set a solid background decoration to a window or a container object. It works like an image, but has some background specific properties, such as setting it to tiled, centered, scaled, or stretched.
Genlist The genlist component displays a scrollable list of items. It can hold a lot of items while still being fast and memory-efficient (only the visible items are allocated memory).
Gengrid The gengrid component displays objects on a grid layout and renders only the visible objects.
Panel The panel component is an animated object that can contain child objects. It can be expanded or contracted by clicking on the button on its edge.
List The list component is a very simple list for managing a small number of items. If you need to manage a lot of items, use the genlist component instead.
Label The label component displays text with simple HTML-like markup.
Image The image component can load and display an image from a file or from memory.
Icon The icon component inherits from the image component. It is used to display images in an icon context.
Progressbar The progressbar component can be used to display the progress status of a given job.
Photocam The photocam component is designed to display high-resolution photos taken with a digital camera. It allows you to zoom photos, load photos fast, and fit photos. It is optimized for JPEG images and has a low memory footprint.
User input Button The button component is a simple push button. It is composed of a label icon and an icon object, and has an auto-repeat feature.
Check The check component toggles the value of a Boolean between true and false.
Radio The radio component can display 1 or more options, but the user can only select one of them. The UI component is composed of an indicator (selected/unselected), an optional icon, and an optional label. Even though it is usually grouped with 2 or more other radio components, it can also be used alone.
Entry The entry component is a box to which the user can enter text.
Slider The slider component is a draggable bar that is used to select a value from a range of values.
Datetime The datetime component can display and input date and time values.
Colorselector The colorselector component provides a color selection solution to the user. It has different modes available, each of them showing a different configuration of the color selection.
Spinner The spinner component enables the user to increase or decrease a numeric value by using arrow buttons.
Flipselector The flipselector component shows a set of text items one at a time. The user can flip up or down the selector to change the text on it.
Calendar The calendar component displays and manipulates month views.
Assist views Popup The popup component shows a pop-up area that can contain a title area, a content area, and an action area.
Ctxpopup The ctxpopup component is a contextual popup that can show a list of items.
Notify The notify component displays a container in a specific region of the parent object. It can receive some content, and it can be automatically hidden after a certain amount of time.
Tooltip The tooltip component is a smart object used to show tips or information about a parent object when the mouse hovers over the parent object.
Hoversel The hoversel component is a button that pops up a list of items.
Transition Transit The transit component can apply several transition effects to an Evas object, such as translations and rotations.
Flip The flip component can hold two Evas objects and let the user flip between these objects using a variety of predefined animations.
Hardware acceleration GLView The GLView component can render OpenGL in an Elementary object, hiding EvasGL complexity.
Miscellaneous Map The map component can display a geographic map. The default map data is provided by the OpenStreetMap project (
Plug The plug component allows you to show an Evas object created by another process. It can be used anywhere like any other Elementary UI component.

Mobile UI Component Styles

EFL can separate the GUI and logic of each UI component, resulting in each component having a different style of look. To change the styles of UI components, use the elm_object_style_get() and elm_object_style_set() functions to get and apply the style for a specific UI component.

The following tables list the styles for each winset, including the names of the styles, and the name of the part where to set text or some other Evas_Object in the UI component. For more detailed information, see Themes.

Table: Button styles
Style Sample Text part Swallow part
elm/button/base/default elm/button/base/default elm.text elm.swallow.content
elm/button/base/circle elm/button/base/circle elm.text elm.swallow.content
elm/button/base/editfield_clear elm/button/base/editfield_clear elm.swallow.content
elm/button/base/bottom elm/button/base/bottom elm.text elm.swallow.content
elm/button/base/icon_expand_delete elm/button/base/icon_expand_delete
elm/button/base/naviframe/title_left elm/button/base/naviframe/title_left elm.text
elm/button/base/naviframe/title_right elm/button/base/naviframe/title_right elm.text
elm/button/base/naviframe/back_btn elm/button/base/naviframe/back_btn
elm/button/base/dropdown elm/button/base/dropdown elm.text
elm/button/base/contacts (Tizen 2.3 only style) elm.text
elm/button/base/naviframe/title_done (Tizen 2.3 only style) elm/button/base/naviframe/title_done
elm/button/base/naviframe/title_cancel (Tizen 2.3 only style) elm/button/base/naviframe/title_cancel
elm/button/base/naviframe/drawers (Tizen 2.3 only style)
elm/button/base/option (Tizen-2.3 only style)
Table: Calendar styles
Style Sample
elm/check/base/default elm/check/base/default
Table: Check styles
Style Sample
elm/check/base/default elm/check/base/default
elm/check/base/favorite elm/check/base/favorite
elm/check/base/on&off elm/check/base/on&off
Table: Colorselector styles
Style Sample Notes
elm/colorselector/item/color/colorplane elm/colorselector/item/color/colorplane Use the following command: elm_colorselector_mode_set(colorselector, ELM_COLORSELECTOR_PALETTE);
Table: Progressbar styles
Style Sample
elm/progressbar/horizontal/default elm/progressbar/horizontal/default
elm/progressbar/horizontal/pending elm/progressbar/horizontal/pending



Table: Radio styles
Style Sample
elm/radio/base/default elm/radio/base/default
Table: Multi Button Entry styles
Style Sample
elm/multibuttonentry/base/default elm/multibuttonentry/base/default
Table: Naviframe styles
Style Sample Text part Swallow part Notes
default default default





tabbar tabbar default






The tabbar_with_title style toolbar can be set into the tabbar part.
tabbar/notitle tabbar/notitle default


Toolbar can be set into the tabbar part.
tabbar/icon tabbar/icon default






The tabbar_with_title style toolbar with icons can be set into the tabbar part.
tabbar/icon/notitle tabbar/icon/notitle default


Toolbar with icons can be set into the tabbar part.
Table: Toolbar styles
Style Sample Text part Swallow part Notes
elm/toolbar/base/default elm/toolbar/base/default
elm/toolbar/base/navigationbar elm/toolbar/base/navigationbar
elm/toolbar/base/tabbar_with_title elm/toolbar/base/tabbar_with_title


elm.text elm.swallow.icon This style is for the toolbar's item. Use the elm_toolbar_item_append() function to set the text and the icon.
elm/toolbar/item/navigationbar elm.text This style is for the toolbar's item. Use the elm_toolbar_item_append() function to set the text and the icon.
Table: Flipselector styles
Style Sample
elm/flipselector/base/default elm/flipselector/base/default
Table: Genlist styles
Style Sample
elm/genlist/base/solid/default elm/genlist/base/solid/default
Table: Genlist item styles
Style Sample Text part Swallow part
elm/genlist/item/type1/default elm/genlist/item/type1/default elm.text









elm/genlist/item/type2/default elm/genlist/item/type2/default elm.text








elm/genlist/item/multiline/default elm/genlist/item/multiline/default elm.text







elm/genlist/item/full/default elm/genlist/item/full/default


elm/genlist/item/group_index/default elm/genlist/item/group_index/default elm.text



elm/genlist/item/group_index/expandable/default elm/genlist/item/group_index/expandable/default elm.text
elm/genlist/item/default/default elm/genlist/item/default/default elm.text elm.swallow.icon


elm/genlist/item/double_label/default elm/genlist/item/double_label/default elm.text




elm/genlist/item/one_icon/default elm/genlist/item/one_icon/default elm.text elm.swallow.icon
elm/genlist/item/end_icon/default elm/genlist/item/end_icon/default elm.text elm.swallow.end
Table: Gengrid styles
Style Sample Text part Swallow part


elm/gengrid/item/default/default elm.text elm.swallow.icon


elm/gengrid/item/type2/default elm/gengrid/item/type2/default elm.text elm.swallow.icon


elm/gengrid/item/default/popup elm/gengrid/item/default/popup elm.text elm.swallow.icon


Table: Index styles
Style Sample
elm/index/base/vertical/default elm/index/base/vertical/default
elm/index/base/vertical/pagecontrol elm/index/base/vertical/pagecontrol
Table: Contextual Popup (Ctxpopup) styles
Style Sample
elm/ctxpopup/layout/default elm/ctxpopup/layout/default
elm/ctxpopup/layout/more/default elm/ctxpopup/layout/more/default
elm/ctxpopup/layout/dropdown/list (Tizen 2.3 only style) elm/ctxpopup/layout/dropdown/list
elm/ctxpopup/layout/dropdown/label (Tizen 2.3 only style) elm/ctxpopup/layout/dropdown/label
Table: Icon styles
Style Sample
apps apps
arrow_down arrow_down
arrow_left arrow_left
arrow_right arrow_right
arrow_up arrow_up
chat chat
clock clock
close close
delete delete
edit edit
file file
folder folder
home home
no_photo no_photo
refresh refresh
media_player/forward media_player/forward
media_player/info media_player/info
media_player/next media_player/next
media_player/pause media_player/pause
media_player/play media_player/play
media_player/prev media_player/prev
media_player/rewind media_player/rewind
media_player/stop media_player/stop
menu/apps menu/apps
menu/arrow_down menu/arrow_down
menu/arrow_left menu/arrow_left
menu/arrow_right menu/arrow_right
menu/arrow_up menu/arrow_up
menu/chat menu/chat
menu/clock menu/clock
menu/close menu/close
menu/delete menu/delete
menu/edit menu/edit
menu/file menu/file
menu/folder menu/folder
menu/home menu/home
menu/refresh menu/refresh
photo/no_photo photo/no_photo
toolbar/apps toolbar/apps
toolbar/arrow_down toolbar/arrow_down
toolbar/arrow_left toolbar/arrow_left
toolbar/arrow_right toolbar/arrow_right
toolbar/arrow_up toolbar/arrow_up
toolbar/chat toolbar/chat
toolbar/clock toolbar/clock
toolbar/close toolbar/close
toolbar/delete toolbar/delete
toolbar/edit toolbar/edit
toolbar/file toolbar/file
toolbar/folder toolbar/folder
toolbar/home toolbar/home
toolbar/more_menu toolbar/more_menu
toolbar/refresh toolbar/refresh
Table: Entry styles
Style Sample Text part Notes
elm/entry/base/default elm/entry/base/default for the guide text.

elm.text: for the main text.

The guide text is automatically erased when the main text is entered.
Table: Datetime styles
Style Sample


elm/datetime/base/time_layout elm/datetime/base/time_layout
elm/datetime/base/time_layout_24hr elm/datetime/base/time_layout_24hr
Table: Slider styles
Style Sample
elm/slider/horizontal/default elm/slider/horizontal/default
elm/slider/horizontal/center_point elm/slider/horizontal/center_point
elm/slider/horizontal/warning elm/slider/horizontal/warning
elm/slider/vertical/default elm/slider/vertical/default
elm/slider/vertical/center_point elm/slider/vertical/center_point
elm/slider/vertical/warning elm/slider/vertical/warning
Table: Popup styles
Style Sample
elm/popup/base/default elm/popup/base/default
elm/popup/base/toast elm/popup/base/toast
elm/popup/base/theme_bg elm/popup/base/theme_bg
Table: Scroller styles
Style Sample
elm/scroller/base/default elm/scroller/base/default
elm/scroller/base/handler elm/scroller/base/handler
Table: Spinner styles
Style Sample
elm/spinner/base/horizontal elm/spinner/base/horizontal
elm/spinner/base/vertical elm/spinner/base/vertical
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