Mobile Web

Mobile Web Sample Descriptions

To access general information about the mobile sample functionality and the content of the sample source files, click the sample name in the following table.

Table: Mobile Web samples in the SDK
Sample name Description
BluetoothChat Demonstrates how you can create a chat application with a Bluetooth connection for sending messages using:

This sample is also explained in the tutorials: Task: Bluetooth Chat.

CallLog Demonstrates how you can view the detailed call history of the device or a specific caller using:

This sample is also explained in the tutorials: Task: Call Log.

Chatter Demonstrates how you can send and receive text messages between devices using:

This sample is also explained in the tutorials: Task: Chatter.

Compass Demonstrates how you can monitor the device orientation using:

This sample is also explained in the tutorials: Task: Compass.

ContactsExchanger Demonstrates how you can share contact card details between 2 NFC (near field communication) devices or with an NFC tag using:

This sample is also explained in the tutorials: Task: Contacts Exchanger.

DownloadManager Demonstrates how you can asynchronously download URL content to the device storage using:

This sample is also explained in the tutorials: Task: Download Manager.

EventManager Demonstrates how you can add, edit, and delete calendar events using:

This sample is also explained in the tutorials: Task: Event Manager.

ExercisePlanner Demonstrates how you can create a plan of your exercise regime with daily reminders using:
FileManager Demonstrates how you can access the files stored on the device using:

This sample is also explained in the tutorials: Task: File Manager.

MediaContent Demonstrates how you can retrieve information about media files from internal and external memories and update the metadata of the files using:

This sample is also explained in the tutorials: Task: Media Content.

Piano Demonstrates how you can create a piano application using:

This sample is also explained in the tutorials: Task: Piano.

SelfCamera Demonstrates how you can use the front camera in your application using:

This sample is also explained in the tutorials: Task: Self Camera.

SensorBall Demonstrates how you can control the movement of a ball on the screen using:

This sample is also explained in the tutorials: Task: Sensor Ball.

Systeminfo Demonstrates how you can retrieve system-related information and display it in your application using:

This sample is also explained in the tutorials: Task: System Information.

TizenWinset Demonstrates how you can use Tizen Advanced UI (TAU) UI components using:

This sample is also explained in the UI Component Reference.

TouchPaint Demonstrates how you can create a simple paint application through touch events and the Canvas element using:

This sample is also explained in the tutorials: Task: Touch Paint.

Multi-project Hybrid Applications

Tizen provides multi-project application execution that allows multiple applications to execute together. You can execute Web and native service applications together as multi-project hybrid applications.

Table: Multi-project application samples in the SDK
Sample name Description
Multi-project hybrid application Demonstrates how you can communicate between a Web and native service application:
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