HTML5 Features on Tizen
1 Why HTML5 on Tizen?
In 2008 the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) has started to work on HTML5 standard specification. In that time only PC browsers had implemented parts of HTML5 working draft. There were very little mobile devices that offered support for web based applications. The main reasons for that situation were:
- Read more about HTML5 Features on Tizen
Custom 2D Graphics on Tizen
In this article, you will learn how to draw primitives, such as rectangles, circles and triangles using both the HTML5 canvas APIs and Fabric canvas APIs through our TizenPaint sample app. You will also learn how to change some of the properties of primitives such as the width and color of stroke. In the last section of this article, we will also cover the topics of how to save your drawings in serialized String form.
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