

Emulator not working (black screen)

I use Tizen for Visual Studio and have a problem with emulator. 
It does not start. Just black screen.


Windows 10. 
Intel Core i5 - 4200H
Intel HD Graphics 4600/NVIDIA GeForce GTX850M


6 Replies
Peter Wegner

Please check also other Threads...

You are not alone:


Please try to search for HAXM...


Meanwhile you could also do some experiments with HW Support...

CPU VT and GPU Settings in Emulator Manager to identify where exact problem is...



Attempt 1.

Disable both...




Maybe slow Boot... but maybe visible Screen...


Attempt 2.




Attempt 3.




Maybe someone is faster...

To post super solution.


Best Regards

Victor Sindeev

How i can find Emulator Manager in Visual Studio?

Mango Bar

Tizen.Net preview version emulator works in 64-bit Windows only, SO confirm that your OS is 64 bit.


I also did not found Emulator manager in Visual Studio. As we need to set emulator memory at the time of HAXM installation step, So i guess currently in this preview version there is no Emulator manager, We have to use built in Emulator. But you can see the detailed information of built in emulator manager by right clicking on emulator.

Victor Sindeev

Windows 10 x64
HAXM already installed
Hyper-V is turned off

Emulator on Tizen SDK work fine.
Emulator on Visual Studio -- black screen.

John Ixion
Peter Wegner

QEMU stuff from Tizen Studio and this dotNet Preview are similar...

Maybe if you find for instance:


Maybe you can check the ini files or...

Still I am toooo lazy to install this Preview... but these files are inside Prview package:

  1. acpi_dsdt.aml
  2. ansi32.dll
  3. ansicon.exe
  4. args4j_2.0.24.jar
  5. author_test.p12
  6. avcodec_emul_54.dll
  7. avformat_emul_54.dll
  8. avresample_emul_1.dll
  9. avutil_emul_52.dll
  10. bios_256k.bin
  11. bzimage.i386
  12. bzimage.x86_64
  13. check_net.exe
  14. copyright
  15. createcatalog.bat
  16. default_0.png
  17. default_0.png1
  18. default_0.png2
  19. default_0_p.png
  20. default_0_p.png1
  21. default_0_p.png2
  22. default_180.png
  23. default_180.png1
  24. default_180.png2
  25. default_180_p.png
  26. default_180_p.png1
  27. default_180_p.png2
  28. default_l90.png
  29. default_l90.png1
  30. default_l90.png2
  31. default_l90_p.png
  32. default_l90_p.png1
  33. default_l90_p.png2
  34. default_r90.png
  35. default_r90.png1
  36. default_r90.png2
  37. default_r90_p.png
  38. default_r90_p.png1
  39. default_r90_p.png2
  40. display_off_guide.png
  41. ecp_plugin_mobile_3.0.jar
  42. ecp_plugin_mobile_3.0.xml
  43. efi_virtio.rom
  44. emulator.cmd
  45. emulator.exe
  46. emulator.klog
  47. emulator.log
  49. emulator_control_panel.cmd
  50. emulator_x86_64.exe
  51. emulimg_3.0.x86_64
  52. emulimg_tizen_3.0_mobile_x86
  53. em_plugin_mobile.jar
  55. iconv.dll
  56. iconv.exe
  57. info.ini
  58. info.ini1
  59. info.ini2
  60. info.ini3
  61. info.ini4
  63. intelhaxm.exe
  64. jline_1.0.jar
  65. jna_4.1.0.jar
  66. jsch_0.1.50.jar
  67. json_simple_1.1.1.jar
  68. layout.xml
  69. layout.xml1
  70. layout.xml2
  71. layout.xml3
  72. layout.xml4
  73. libbz2_1.dll
  74. libcurl_4.dll
  75. libeay32.dll
  76. libexslt.dll
  77. libfreetype_6.dll
  78. libgcc_s_seh_1.dll
  79. libglib_2.0_0.dll
  80. libglib_2.0_0.dll1
  81. libgraphite2.dll
  82. libharfbuzz_0.dll
  83. libiconv_2.dll
  84. libiconv_2.dll1
  85. libicudt56.dll
  86. libicuin56.dll
  87. libicuuc56.dll
  88. libintl_8.dll
  89. libintl_8.dll1
  90. libpcre16_0.dll
  91. libpcre_1.dll
  92. libpcre_1.dll1
  93. libpixman_1_0.dll
  94. libpng16_16.dll
  95. libssp_0.dll
  96. libstdc___6.dll
  97. libwinpthread_1.dll
  98. libwinpthread_1.dll1
  99. libx264_148.dll
  100. libxml2.dll
  101. libxmlsec.dll
  102. libxmlsec_mscrypto.dll
  103. libxmlsec_openssl.dll
  104. libxslt.dll
  105. linuxboot.bin
  106. minigzip.exe
  107. openssl.exe
  108. protobuf.jar
  109. qemu_img.exe
  110. qgif.dll
  111. qico.dll
  112. qjpeg.dll
  113. qt5core.dll
  114. qt5gui.dll
  115. qt5opengl.dll
  116. qt5widgets.dll
  117. qt5_msgbox.exe
  118. qwindows.dll
  119. readme
  120. sdb.exe
  121. sdb.exe1
  122. sdb_run.bat
  123. sdl2.dll
  124. ssleay32.dll
  125. swap_tizen_3.0_mobile_x86_64
  126. swt_4.5.jar
  127. tizen.csharp.targets
  128. tizen.extension.vsix
  129. tizen.midebugpackage.vsix
  130. tizen_distributor_signer.p12
  131. tizen_sdk.png
  132. vm_launch.conf
  133. x86_standard.xml
  134. x86_standard_template_v2.xml
  135. xmlcatalog.exe
  136. xmllint.exe
  137. xmlsec.exe
  138. xsldbg.exe
  139. xsltproc.exe
  140. zlib1.dll
  141. zlib1.dll1
  142. zlib1.dll2