The W3C specifications provide HTML and CSS, which are the core technologies for building Web pages and Web applications.
To learn how to use the W3C features in your application UI, see the following topics:
HTML features
HTML is the language for describing the structure of the Web pages.
HTML Priorities: Understanding HTML Behavior
Enables you to use CSS and JavaScript code effectively with HTML elements.
HTML5 Forms: Implementing Web Forms for User Input Using HTML5 Elements
Enables you to easily implement Web forms for user input using HTML5 elements.
Selectors API (Level 1 and 2): Selecting DOM Elements
Enables you to select element nodes in the DOM tree by matching them against a group of selectors.
Media Queries: Labeling Output Devices in Style Sheets
Enables you to define media features for specific output devices using the CSS media queries.
Multiple Screen Support: Supporting Different Screen Sizes in mobile applications only
Allows you to create an application that is both scalable and adaptive to multiple screen resolutions.
Multiple UI Layouts: Designing Applications for Multiple Devices in wearable applications only
Allows you to design your application layout so that your application can run on multiple Tizen devices.
Frame Flattening: Expanding Content According to Size in mobile applications only
Allows you to improve the scrollability of small screens.
HTML5 Session History: Managing the Device Browsing History
Enables you to manage the browsing history of a device.
Clipboard API and events: Transferring Content Between Applications in mobile applications only
Enables you to copy content and paste it in an editable area.
HTML5 Drag and Drop: Handling Drag and Drop Events in mobile applications only
Enables you to create and manage draggable elements and implement drag events.
HTML Priorities: Understanding HTML Behavior
CSS features
CSS is the language for describing the presentation of the Web pages, including colors, layout, and fonts.
CSS Transforms: Manipulating Elements
Enables you to move, rotate, stretch, and scale elements using the CSS3 transform property.
CSS Animations Module (Level 3): Creating Animations
Enables you to create animations using the CSS3 animation property.
CSS Transitions Module (Level 3): Changing Element Styles
Enables you to add effects when changing the style of an element using the CSS3 transition property.
CSS Color Module (Level 3): Specifying Color and Opacity
Enables you to specify the color and opacity of HTML elements using CSS properties.
CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module (Level 3): Specifying Background and Border Styles
Enables you to specify the border and background styles of HTML elements using CSS properties.
CSS Flexible Box Layout Module: Adjusting the Layout
Enables you to create flexible layouts for Web applications.
CSS Multi-column Layout Module: Creating Multi-column Layouts in mobile applications only
Enables you to create multi-column layouts for Web applications.
CSS Text Module (Level 3): Manipulating Text
Enables you to apply various text effects.
CSS Basic User Interface Module (Level 3): Applying Styles to HTML Documents
Enables you to apply styles to HTML documents.
CSS Fonts Module (Level 3): Manipulating Fonts
Enables you to change the text fonts.
WOFF File Format (1.0): Changing Fonts Using WOFF
Enables you to encode and decode font data easily.
CSS Transforms: Manipulating Elements