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SceneJS – creating a JavaScript controlled, animated 3D character (part 2)


This is the second part of the article about creating a JavaScript controlled and animated 3D character. In the first part of the article we have showed you where you can look for materials regarding 3D models creation. You have also learned how to export 3D models to the OBJ format and how to create a basic setup of SceneJS. In this part we will cover steps 4 and 5 – that is creating of a skybox and importing and animating 3D OBJ models in SceneJS using JavaScript.

How to create an arcade platformer game for Tizen using phaser.js


Phaser.js is nowadays one of the most popular and versatile web game engines. It is supported by a big community and a formidable developer team. Amongst many of its features is the quick setup process and ease of use. It is also worth mentioning that phaser.js is based on the very efficient canvas and WebGL rendering engine – pixi.js. Any developer can easily start making games with phaser.js utilizing javascript.