I'm using the tizen Web componnent to show some part of my app.
When using this component, font-family doesn't seem to work at all.
I tried to use :
font-family: "TizenSans", TizenSans, Tizen, sans-serif;
font-family: "TizenSansMedium", TizenSansMedium, TizenMedium, Tizen, sans-serif;
and even :
font-family : Times New Roman, Times, serif;
None of them worked !
It always look like a basic sans-serif font wich looks like maybe Helvetica.
Am I alone to face this problem ? I want to use the TizenSans font and its medium version in my app but I dont want to go full html with the html5 sdk. What can I do?
Thanks for any help