
[solved] Font-family not working in native app Web component?


I'm using the tizen Web componnent to show some part of my app.

When using this component, font-family doesn't seem to work at all.

I tried to use :

    font-family: "TizenSans", TizenSans, Tizen, sans-serif;


    font-family: "TizenSansMedium", TizenSansMedium, TizenMedium, Tizen, sans-serif;

and even :

    font-family : Times New Roman, Times, serif;

None of them worked !

It always look like a basic sans-serif font wich looks like maybe Helvetica.

Am I alone to face this problem ? I want to use the TizenSans font and its medium version in my app but I dont want to go full html with the html5 sdk. What can I do?

Thanks for any help

编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


5 回复
Hi Guillaume Gendre, download and install "TizenSans" font from -> https://developer.tizen.org/documentation/ux-guide/asset-library and then try. Kimi.
Guillaume Gendre
Hi, thanks for the link, I didn't have the font. But how can I use it my stylesheet ? Should I use @font-face and include the font in my css folder? Will it work on the device? Guillaume
Guillaume Gendre
Hi, thanks for the link, I didn't have the font. But how can I use it my stylesheet ? Should I use @font-face and include the font in my css folder? Will it work on the device? Guillaume
Hi, Try implementing like this "http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_font-face_rule.asp". Kimi.
Guillaume Gendre
works great! thanks :)