

Invalid widget package

I'm trying to install tizen widget application on tizen IVI 2.0a platform. The app seems to work fine on the simulator & emulator .
I've done the following,

1.Made changes to config.xml as mentioned in the below link for developing web apps on Tizen IVI and built app for target.
( )
2.For installing the wgt package , wrt-install utility used on target shows
sh-4.1# wrt-installer -i HelloIVI.wgt
debug level init 1(1)
open log dev is failed
CRI<1717>:evas_main evas_clip.c:181 evas_object_clip_set() Setting clip 0x1c4bb0 on itself
failed: invalid widget package
3.In One of the links of tizen mailing list ( it's mentioned that, it may be because of mismatch between signed widget package and current date on target.
Also tried changing the date & changing versions in config.xml , but still install reads invalid widget package.


Anyone succeeded in installing wgt package on tizen ivi?

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


2 Replies
konduri sai swathi


The issue is maybe with the device image and the sdk compatibility. You are using the device with 2.0 image and is your SDK is of latest version ? (above 2.0).

If so, then try flashing the device with the latest image and try installing your app again.



Try to update your SDK version.