Tizen General
Q: What is Tizen*?
A: Tizen is a web-centric, fully open source mobile platform, based on the Linux kernel. Tizen is claimed to be the leading mobile platform that has full support for HTML5 and other web-centric features. The name, Tizen, combines the connectivity of “Tie”, the activity of “Rise”, and the meditative qualities of “Zen”. You can find more detailed information at http://www.tizen.org.
Q: Where can I get the source code?
A: The source code for the Tizen 2.0 Alpha has been released. This release is targeted towards smartphones and runs on the PC emulator as well as an ARM-based reference device. This release allows OEMs to begin considering Tizen 2.0 for their commercial devices, and open source developers to look into Tizen to find what they can improve and contribute.
Tizen provides a standards-based software platform for multiple device categories, which supports Web applications. The API reference provides a comprehensive description for application development.
Q: Where and how can one get technical support?
A: Technical support is available through developer.tizen.org’s forum (https://developer.tizen.org/forums). Also, additional 1:1 technical support channels will be provided to partners. (Specific features for each vendor are expected to be supported by the vendors’ developer site.)
Q: How can I write a bug report? How do I know when the patch will be deployed onto the device?
A: You can write bug reports at http://bugs.tizen.org. Any patches or updates on actual devices are dependent on the manufacturer’s or Tizen project’s schedule.
Q: How can I participate in platform development?
A: To get started participating in platform development, read the Development Workflow page at https://source.tizen.org/documentation/developer-guide.
Tizen SDK
Q: Where can I get the SDK and technical documents?
A: The Tizen developer site is managed by the Tizen project, which is hosted by the Linux Foundation. Available Tizen project documentation includes Tizen SDK (Software Development Kit) releases and technical documents to support Tizen application developers, as well as an application developers’ blog for news and event announcement.
No registration is required to get the SDK or to participate in the community activities, including joining the mailing list, chatting on IRC, or filing bug reports. Download the latest SDK at https://developer.tizen.org/downloads/sdk
Q: Which host platforms are supported for Tizen application development?
A: Ubuntu* 11.04 or 11.10 (32- or 64-bit), or Microsoft Windows* XP and 7 (32- or 64-bit). Mac will be supported in the near future.
Tizen IDE
Q: How do I create a workspace in the Tizen IDE?
A: Before starting development in the Eclipse IDE, you will be prompted to make a few decisions, on your IDE workbench, about creating a workspace and choosing a perspective. Start executing the Eclipse IDE from the installed directory and select a folder for the specific workspace (for example, your home directory). You may create your own workspace, if needed. After this, the Welcome page appears.
Q: How do I change a perspective in the Tizen IDE?
A: Before creating a new project, configure the development environment and set the preferences. If the perspective is not set as Tizen Web, go to Window > Open Perspective on the main menu, and select Tizen Web.
Q: How do I check the Tizen IDE version?
A: To see an explanation of the Eclipse IDE features, plug-in information, and their configuration details, select Help > About at the IDE.
Q: How do I improve the execution performance of the Tizen IDE?
A: You can tweak the memory size to fit your development machine. Modify the eclipse.ini configuration file in the Tizen IDE folder like this:
- Change Xms40m to Xms256m.
- Change Xmx256m to Xmx1024m.
Q: How do I cope with "javA:lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" errors in the Tizen IDE?
A: PermGen means the permanent generation of objects in the VM. Fix the error by appending the following lines to the eclipse.ini configuration file in the Tizen IDE folder:
- XX:PermSize=64m
- XX:MaxPermSize=128m
Q: How do I cope with this build error: "cs-make: *** [src/source.o] Error -1073741819"?
A: The error code 1073741819 indicates an "Error Access Violation", which means that the compiler has run out of memory. If you encounter this error, rebuild the application.
Q: What keyboard shortcuts are available?
A: The following table defines the keyboard shortcuts. Keyboard shortcuts can be customized using the Window > Preferences > General > Keys page.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Binding |
Key |
Description |
Windows® |
Ubuntu 10.x |
Ubuntu 11.x |
Build project | F10 | F10 | Ctrl+Shift+F10 | - |
Toggle breakpoint | Ctrl+Shift+B | Ctrl+Shift+B | Ctrl+Shift+B | - |
Content assist | Ctrl+Space | Ctrl+Space | Ctrl+Space | If you want to use Alt+/ in Linux, select Preferences > General > Keys and change the key binding.
If there are conflicts between commands, change the binding of the conflicting command. |
Q: How can I reduce the font size in the menus and help contents on Ubuntu?
A: You can reduce the font size in the menus and help contents on Ubuntu by overwriting the GTK theme:
- Create the
file with the following content:style "eclipse" { font_name = "Sans Condensed 9" } class "GtkWidget" style "eclipse"
- To apply the GTK2_RC_FILES environment variable to Eclipse, modify two lines in the startsup.sh start-up script file of the Tizen IDE:
- Change
GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=trueUBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0./eclipse - Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.DefaultType=MOZILLA
GTK2_RC_FILES=~/.gtkrc-eclipse GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0 ./eclipse - Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.DefaultType=MOZILLA
- Change
GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true ./eclipse - Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.DefaultType=MOZILLA
GTK2_RC_FILES=~/.gtkrc-eclipse GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true ./eclipse -Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.DefaultType=MOZILLA
- Change
Q: How do I cope with errors that occur when running or debugging an application on the target device?
A: To terminate the run or debug process, in the Tizen IDE’s Console or Debug view, click the Terminate button.
Q: How can I hover my mouse pointer to see tooltip text? The background is black.
A: This is a known issue for Eclipse in Ubuntu. Select the System > Preferences > Appearance > Theme > Colours > tooltip setting in the Ubuntu menu. The default tooltip color scheme in the Radiance theme is white text on a black background. Also, after changing the background, restart the IDE. For more information, see Eclipse bugs.
Q: How can I get a *.p12 certificate file from *.pem?
A: It can be generated by openssl. After installing OpenSSL, enter the following command in the shell:
$openssl pkcs12 -export -in <source_certificate>.pem -inkey >certificate_key<.pem -out <destination_certificate>.p12
Q: A widget failed to launch and I got an invalid certificate message.
A: Make sure the UNICODE library is not included in the project or workspace location, or signature file generation fails.
If more than 1000 files exist in the current project on Linux, signature file generation fails because of the File Descriptor limit. Modify the /etc/security/limits.conf
file, as follows, with root authority and log on again.
<User name> soft nofile 8192 <User name> hard nofile 100000
Q: I do not see the menu icons in Linux.
A: You can reset a perspective to its original state, using the Window > Reset Perspective menu.
Q: How can I use the Remote Inspector to debug an application in Windows?
A: Be sure you have QuickTime* Player 7.7.1. or higher installed on your computer, or you’ll see an error dialog. After installing QuickTime Player, the path to the Apple Application Support installation must be prepended to the Windows "Path" environment variable, before running the Tizen SDK (for operating systems older than XP+SP1). This installation will be in a location, such as C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support
If you see the error dialog below when you debug, even though you have installed QuickTime Player on your computer, your installation of QuickTime Player is not the latest version and does not properly support WebSocket. Reinstall QuickTime Player 7.7.1 or update to a newer version.