Wearable Web

Applications for Circular UI: Developing UI on Circular Wearable Applications

TAU supports different types of wearable devices (rectangular and circular) in the same application. To support a circular UI along with a rectangular UI, a media query is required.

This feature is supported in wearable applications only.

Applying the Circular UI

To support the circular UI:

  1. Include the link element for the latest tau.css file into the <head> element in HTML. Note that for the compatibility with the rectangular UI, you must use the latest version of the TAU library.
  2. Include the link element for the latest tau.circle.css file with the media query feature (-tizen-geometric-shape: circle) next to the link element for the tau.css. Note that adding the tau.circle.css file following the general tau.css file covers the additional circular UI.
  3. Include the link element for the latest tau.js script file at the end of <body> element in HTML.
  4. For writing a separate code for a circular UI in JavaScript, you can use the tau.support.shape.circle property for detecting the circular device.
<head name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no">
   <title>Support for Circular UI</title>
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="tau.css">
   <!-- CSS media query on a link element -->
   <link rel="stylesheet" media="all and (-tizen-geometric-shape: circle)" href="tau.circle.css">
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
   <script type="text/javascript" src="tau.js"></script>
      if (tau.support.shape.circle) 
         /* Implement your code for the circular UI */
         /* Implement your code for the rectangular UI */

The following figure shows how the media query -tizen-geometric-shape: circle works in a rectangular and circular UI.

Figure: Media query in a rectangular device and circular device

Media query in a rectangular device and circular device

Overriding the Circular CSS Style with a Media Query

For some styles to be applied selectively, you can use the -tizen-geometric-shape media query feature with a rectangle or circle value to distinguish the type difference. Note that the -tizen-geometric-shape feature is only available in Tizen devices.

Table: -tizen-geometric-shape feature description
Value rectangle | circle
Applied to Visual media types
Accept min/max prefixes No
   /* Implement the basic CSS style for all types of devices (rectangular and circular) */

@media screen and (-tizen-geometric-shape: circle) 
      /* Implement the CSS style to be overridden in circular */

Writing JavaScript Selectively for the Circular UI

TAU provides the tau.support.shape.circle property that checks whether the device screen is a circle. If you want to implement code selectively for a circular UI and rectangular UI, you can use the property with a boolean value. Note that for developing in a browser environment, this property is always set to true when the tau.circle.css file is loaded.

if (tau.support.shape.circle) 
   /* Implement your code for the circular UI */
   /* Implement your code for the rectangular UI */

Supported UI Components

The following components can be used in both rectangular and circular devices.

Table: UI components supported by a rectangular and circular UI
Component Description
Helper Script Shows how to support some application components.
Snap List Shows how to create a snap list component.
Expandable Header Shows how to create a header component.
Circle-shaped Progress Bar Shows how to create a circle progress bar component.
Full Size Processing Component Shows how to create a processing component.
Footer Button Shows how to create a footer button component.
Thumbnail Shows how to create a thumbnail component.
Popup Button Shows how to create a popup component.
Index Scroll Bar Shows how to create an index scroll bar component.
More Options Shows how to create a more options button component.
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