Wearable Web

Implementing More Options

In a rectangular UI, you can implement more options using the button and popup components. In a circular UI, the selector component provides the more options button. The following example shows how to create a more options button for the circular UI.

This feature is supported in wearable applications only.

The following figure shows the more options component in a rectangular and circular UI.

Figure: More options component in rectangular and circular devices

More options component in a rectangular device More options component in a circular device

To implement the more options component:

  1. Edit the HTML code to add the more options component to your application screen:
    <div id="moreoptionsPage" class="ui-page">
       <link rel="stylesheet"  href="./moreoptions.css">
       <header class="ui-header ui-has-more">
          <h2 class="ui-title">More Options</h2>
          <button type="button" class="ui-more ui-icon-overflow">More Options</button>
       <div class="ui-content content-padding">
          It was a real pleasure for me to finally get to meet you. My colleagues join me in sending you our holiday greetings.
       <!-- Rectangular profile -->
       <div id="moreoptionsPopup" class="ui-popup" data-transition="slideup">
          <div class="ui-popup-header">Options</div>
          <div class="ui-popup-content">
             <ul class="ui-listview">
                <li><a href="#">1</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">2</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">3</a></li>
       <!-- Circular profile -->
       <div id="moreoptionsDrawer" class="ui-drawer" data-drawer-target="#moreoptionsPage" data-position="right" data-enable="true" data-drag-edge="1">
          <div id="selector" class="ui-selector">
             <div class="ui-item show-icon" data-title="Show"></div>
             <div class="ui-item human-icon" data-title="Human"></div>
             <div class="ui-item delete-icon" data-title="Delete"></div>
             <div class="ui-item show-icon" data-title="Show"></div>
             <div class="ui-item human-icon" data-title="Human"></div>
             <div class="ui-item delete-icon" data-title="Delete"></div>
             <div class="ui-item x-icon" data-title="X Icon"></div>
             <div class="ui-item fail-icon" data-title="Fail"></div>
             <div class="ui-item show-icon" data-title="Show"></div>
             <div class="ui-item human-icon" data-title="Human"></div>
             <div class="ui-item delete-icon" data-title="Delete"></div>
             <div class="ui-item show-icon" data-title="Show"></div>
             <div class="ui-item human-icon" data-title="Human"></div>
  2. Edit the CSS code to set the visual style of the buttons:
       display: none;
    @media all and (-tizen-geometric-shape: circle) 
          display: block;
          background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
          border-radius: 100%;
          display: none;
  3. Edit the JavaScript code to manage the option button events and other functionality:
       var page = document.querySelector("#moreoptionsPage"),
           popup = page.querySelector("#moreoptionsPopup"),
           handler = page.querySelector(".ui-more"),
           drawer = page.querySelector("#moreoptionsDrawer"),
           selector = page.querySelector("#selector"),
       function clickHandler(event)
       page.addEventListener("pagebeforeshow", function()
          if (tau.support.shape.circle)
             helper = tau.helper.DrawerMoreStyle.create(drawer,
                handler: ".drawer-handler"
             /* Shape is square */
             clickHandlerBound = clickHandler.bind(null);
             handler.addEventListener("click", clickHandlerBound);
       page.addEventListener("pagebeforehide", function() 
          if (tau.support.shape.circle)
             handler.removeEventListener("click", clickHandlerBound);
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