Wearable Web

Creating Circle-shaped Progress Bars

You can create a circle-shaped progress bar component with the CircleProgressBar API.

This feature is supported in wearable applications only.

The following figure shows the layout of the progress bar component in a rectangular and circular UI.

Figure: Circle-shaped progress bar component in rectangular and circular devices

Circle-shaped progress bar component in a rectangular device Circle-shaped progress bar component in a circular device

To implement the progress bar component:

  1. Edit the HTML code to add the component to your application screen:
    <div class="ui-page ui-page-active" id="pageCircleProgressBar" data-enable-page-scroll="false">
       <header class="ui-header">
          <h2 class="ui-title">Circle Progress</h2>
       <div class="ui-content content-padding">
          <div class="result" id="result"></div>
       <footer class="ui-footer ui-grid-col-2">
          <a href="#" class="ui-btn" id="minus">-10%</a>
          <a href="#" class="ui-btn" id="plus">+10%</a>
       <progress class="ui-circle-progress" id="circleprogress" max="100" value="20"></progress>
  2. Edit the CSS code to set the visual style of the progress bar:
       position: absolute;
       top: 50%;
       left: 50%;
       -webkit-transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0);
       font-size: 35px;
       text-align: center;
       top: 33%;
       left: 50%;
       -webkit-transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0);
       position: absolute;
    @media all and (-tizen-geometric-shape: circle) 
          top: 50%;
          margin: 0;
          display: none;
  3. Edit the JavaScript code to manage the progress bar events and other functionality:
       var page = document.getElementById("pageCircleProgressBar"),
           progressBar = document.getElementById("circleprogress"),
           minusBtn = document.getElementById("minus"),
           plusBtn = document.getElementById("plus"),
           resultDiv = document.getElementById("result"),
           isCircle = tau.support.shape.circle,
       function printResult() 
          resultText = progressBarWidget.value();
          resultDiv.innerHTML = resultText + "%";
       function clearVariables() 
          page = null;
          progressBar = null;
          minusBtn = null;
          plusBtn = null;
          resultDiv = null;
       function unbindEvents() 
          page.removeEventListener("pageshow", pageBeforeShowHandler);
          page.removeEventListener("pagehide", pageHideHandler);
          if (isCircle) 
             document.removeEventListener("rotarydetent", rotaryDetentHandler);
             minusBtn.removeEventListener("click", minusBtnClickHandler);
             plusBtn.removeEventListener("click", plusBtnClickHandler);
       function minusBtnClickHandler() 
          i = i - 10;
          if (i < 0) 
             i = 0;
       function plusBtnClickHandler() 
          i = i + 10;
          if (i > 100) 
             i = 100;
       function rotaryDetentHandler() 
          /* Get the rotary direction */
          var direction = event.detail.direction,
              value = parseInt(progressBarWidget.value());
          if (direction === "CW") 
             /* Right direction */
             if (value < 100) 
                value = 100;
          else if (direction === "CCW") 
             /* Left direction */
             if (value > 0) 
                value = 0;
       function pageBeforeShowHandler() 
          if (isCircle) 
             /* Make the circular progressbar object */
             progressBarWidget = new tau.widget.CircleProgressBar(progressBar, {size: "full"});
             document.addEventListener("rotarydetent", rotaryDetentHandler);
             progressBarWidget = new tau.widget.CircleProgressBar(progressBar, {size: "large"});
             minusBtn.addEventListener("click", minusBtnClickHandler);
             plusBtn.addEventListener("click", plusBtnClickHandler);
          i = parseInt(progressBarWidget.value());
          resultDiv.innerHTML = i + "%";
       function pageHideHandler() 
          /* Release the object */
       page.addEventListener("pagebeforeshow", pageBeforeShowHandler);
       page.addEventListener("pagehide", pageHideHandler);
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