UI Components: Managing UI Elements
The UI component tutorials demonstrate how to manage user interface-related features in Tizen native applications:
Basic: Using Basic Interactions
Demonstrates how you can implement an application with basic UI component interactions.
Form: Creating the Basic Application and Layout
Demonstrates how you can create a basic application that provides a form.
Naviframe: Creating Navigation Using Naviframes
Demonstrates how you can use a naviframe container in your application.
Genlist: Managing Large Element Sets
Demonstrates how you can use a genlist component to manage large element sets in your application.
Menu: Adding Menus to the Application
Demonstrates how you can create menus for your application.
Panes: Using Panes
Demonstrates how you can use a panes component in your application.
UI Layout: Creating a UI Screen Layout
Demonstrates how you can compose a UI screen using the layout classes available in the EFL UI component library.