I am trying to collect accelerometer data and heart rate sensor data for 3/4 hours from Gear 2. I am saving the data into IndexDB database. I have button to start and end inserting the values in database. Here is the main js file psuedocode of my app:
$(window).load( function() { flag=0 $("#button1").click(function() { if(flag) { flag=0; $("#button1").html('Stop Inserting'); } else { flag=1; $("#button1").html('Start Inserting'); } }); window.addEventListener('devicemotion', function(e) { //geting accelerometer data code here if(flag) { //insert value into db here } }); window.webapis.motion.start("HRM", onchangedCB); function onchangedCB(hrmInfo) { if(hrmInfo.heartRate > 0) { if(flag) { //insert heartrate data into database code here } } } }); // load
When I install the app and run it for the first time it works fine. But after that, when ever i run the app, and when i click button1, the app seems become freeze and exits after running for a while. I am wondering what could be the possible reason behind it. Any Idea or help on this? I appreciate your help.