
Sorting in European languages

Tizen support unicode sorting. This creates problem for european languages which use normal english letters and special character set but every language has its own ordering.


For example sorting in french using String::Compare or StringComparer. Tizen gives below order

République tchèque
Émirats arabes unis

But actual order in french language should be 

Émirats arabes unis
République tchèque


This is occuring because tizen is doing unicode based sorting, which works fine for korean or chinese but will create problem with european language.

I was expecting tizen to have some locale based sorting. Where sorting will occur as per language or country but i did not find anything.

Can somebody suggest idea for above problem


Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


3 Replies

Maybe Sqlite sorting works?

Put the data in database table and try instead of hardcorded values

you can use sqliteman to create the database file, put in data folder and open it using Database class then query the data with ORDER BY clause




Gary V

I started another thread on this a few days ago:


Manish Kaushik

Thank you Gary .

I went through the mentionedthred. Looks like we don't have any final solution for this problem.

If you are able to use C++ functions for locale base comparison.