
Running application on emulator

I'm trying to run web app on emulator. When I begin - i see popup "Active secure profiles not set. Please check the signing configurationat Preferences>Security profiles"

When I enter it - I need to put kee file name in sertificate generator. Where this file can be?

1. Please explaine step by step where to find it.

2. Is certificate path C:\tizen-sdk\tools\certificate-generator\ (I've installed open SSL)


Thank you


Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


10 Replies
Raghu Kona
Hi, Please refer to generate a certificate. You can find a link to video tutorial at the bottom of the page. Regards, Raghu Kona
Tuvia Khusid
What do i put in "Please enter password for pkcs12 format key certificate:"? Where do i take pkcs12 from? Thank you
Tuvia Khusid
What do i put in "Please enter password for pkcs12 format key certificate:"? Where do i take pkcs12 from? Thank you
Raghu Kona
Hi, You can add a password of your choice and the certificate is generated at the end of the process, which will be used for authenticating applications. Regards, Raghu Kona
Tuvia Khusid
Hi Raghu, Thank you for your instruction for generating cerificate. I have another question now: when i try to test my app through emulator, i get an pop-up sayng that i need to select a target. I couldn't find where in eclipse it shoul be setup. The error said "Please, select the target(emulator or device) for launching application". Thank you, Tuvia Khusid
Lakshmi Grandhi
Hi, use connection explorer window to launch emulator and run the app on emulator.
Tuvia Khusid
Dear Lakshmi, Thank you! It's work! Now I'm trying the web apps on emulator. I've imported to my IDE two samples: SystemInfo and AnalogWatch. I've launched both of them. It was successful (no errors). I see the icons on my emulator. But when i press it - the apps do not work. I've tried the system apps as calculator and it is OK. What do I have to do? Thank you again. Tuvia Khusid
Lakshmi Prathyusha
Hi Tuvia Khusid, Your error says that first you need to launch the emulator then build your app. Regards, Lakshmi Prathyusha.
Tuvia Khusid
Dear Lakshmi, Thank you! It's work! Now I'm trying the web apps on emulator. I've imported to my IDE two samples: SystemInfo and AnalogWatch. I've launched both of them. It was successful (no errors). I see the icons on my emulator. But when i press it - the apps do not work. I've tried the system apps as calculator and it is OK. What do I have to do? Thank you again. Tuvia Khusid
Raghu Kona

Hi Tuvia Khusid,

Have you enabled Hardware acceleration. If not, please refer



Raghu Kona