FileEntry.toURL delivers a URL that is not usable as source of an image.
We are trying to run a web app hosted on a web server within an iFrame of a Tizen-Web-App. The web app downloads an image and stores it in persistent storage using the webkitPersistentStorage and the FileWriter objects. We proved that the image is stored correctly.
Using the following code to access the locally stored image
var fsUrl = fileEntry.toURL();
document.getElementById('imagePlaceholder').src = fsUrl;
we get the following error in the JavaScript console:
"Cannot show URL"
fsUrl equals to "filesystem:http://{correct ip address}/Persistent/test.jpg".
The Tizen-Web-App runs on a Samsung SmartTV running Tizen 2.4. The same code runs in Chrome for Windows or macOS.
How can we use the URL returned by fileEntry.toURL to access locally stored images, videos and text files?
FileEntry.toURL not working