
How to connect database with Android App in Gear S2 ?

I want to develop Gear S2 Web App to connect with android app.

Android App uses SQLite database.


below is question!


1. To connect Android App database(SQLite), What can I use database in Gear S2 ?

2. If I used the database(Answer above), How to share database between Android App and Gear S2 ?

3. Recommand me other way to exchange and store data between Android App and Gear S2 !


Thank you :)


1 Replies
Iqbal Hossain


You can use Web SQL Database in Gear S2 and SQLite in Android. But you can't use a common database between Gear and Android. But you can use Samsung Accessory SDK for your goal.  

Accessory SDK allows you to connect accessory devices to Samsung smart devices. With Accessory SDK, you can define a new service between the accessory and smart device, enabling you to use the various smart device functions from the accessory device. The service is compatible with various connectivity environments, which makes accessory development efficient and convenient.

Accessory SDK adds new functions to the service as Samsung smart devices improve. Future updates will enable the accessory and the smart device to exchange more information and support more interworking.

You can use the Accessory SDK to:

  • Control the smart device remotely (for example, controlling music volume)

  • Provide notification relay or alarm

  • Find the smart device

You can also define and implement your own functionality.

So, here are answers for your questions

1. You can use Web SQL Database in Gear S2.

2. You can Samsung Accessory SDK to share data between Android App and Gear S2 

3. Already given. 

