
WebView on Dialog window.

I want to open a webview on dialog box.

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pius lee

Just attach webview to popup!

#include <EWebKit.h>

static void btn_click_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
    Evas_Object *popup = data;
	Evas_Object *webview = elm_object_content_get(popup);
	ewk_view_url_set(webview, "");

Evas_Object *btn = elm_button_add(ad->conform);
elm_object_text_set(btn, "webview popup");
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(btn, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
elm_object_content_set(ad->conform, btn);

Evas_Object *popup = elm_popup_add(ad->win);
Evas_Object *webview = ewk_view_add(evas_object_evas_get(popup));
evas_object_size_hint_min_set(webview, 100, 400);
elm_object_content_set(popup, webview);

evas_object_smart_callback_add(btn, "clicked", btn_click_cb, popup);


rohit sijwali

Hi everything working fine. i want to destroy the win object how can i do that.


pius lee

You mean win object from elm_win_add or popup from elm_popup_add ?

Anyway just call evas_object_del(obj);


rohit sijwali

I need to delete window  but when i call evas_object_del() with win as argument the window is still apperring.I need the solution for-

1) To delete-To delete the window so that it will not show.


2)Hide window-so that it will not appear.                 

pius lee

You can hide window with elm_win_lower().

If you just want finish your application, just call ui_app_exit().

rohit sijwali

I tried elm_win_lower(). but its not working. Basically i have a window in which i have button.On the button click event i created new window in which i have webview. So in case of back button i want to either hide web view or delete it, so that my winow with button apperars.

pius lee

Ok, Actually, Evas_Object from elm_popup_add is not real window.

If you want remove or hide "popup", just call evas_object_hide(popup) or evas_object_del(popup);


rohit sijwali

Ok evas_object_hide(popup) and evas_object_hide(win) working.But evas_object_del(popup) not working.Anyway my problem is solved.

Alex Dem

Strange. In UI Controls example evas_object_del(popup) works without any issues.

rohit sijwali

Can you suggest a site where i can find out the basics of ELF library.

colin Rao

Possible this link is useful for you.

rohit sijwali

is it necessary to add network.get privileage to use libcurl.

rohit sijwali

Hi i have made a shared library to open webview. I used it it is working fine.I have set

elm_win_wm_rotation_preferred_rotation_set( ad->popup_win,90);

How can i make it change the rotation according to application rotation.