I am trying to set focus(my own focus) on genlist items through edc.
I have taken the code of group "elm/genlist/tree/jaded/default" from genlist.edc and created my own group.
Now in my group, added the below code to parts bg and fg1
description { state: "focused" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
color: 255 255 0 255;
image.normal: "bt_base1.png";
visible: 1;
Program to catch focus signal
program { name: "focused";
source: "elm";
signal: "elm,action,focus";
action: STATE_SET "focused" 0.0;
target: "fg1";
target: "bg";
Tried with target fg1 and bg seperately also but the focus which I am trying to set is not getting set.
Does anyone have any clue, where I went wrong?