it is necessary to measure the memory consumption.
For example, for Gear S
I understand Web Analyzer is not suitable for this purpose.
Memory view - too for native.
My application crashes when testing
logs dump
example - I suspect that a piece of dlog_main
W Adreno-ES20: <core_glGetIntegeri_v:2183>: GL_INVALID_ENUM 07-04 15:14:23.441+0700 3588 3588 W Adreno-ES20: <core_glGetIntegeri_v:2183>: GL_INVALID_ENUM 07-04 15:14:23.441+0700 3588 3588 W Adreno-ES20: <core_glGetIntegeri_v:2183>: GL_INVALID_ENUM 07-04 15:14:23.441+0700 3588 3588 W Adreno-ES20: <core_glGetIntegeri_v:2183>: GL_INVALID_ENUM 07-04 15:14:23.441+0700 3588 3588 W Adreno-ES20: <core_glGetIntegeri_v:2183>: GL_INVALID_ENUM 07-04 15:14:23.441+0700 3588 3588 W Adreno-ES20: <core_glGetIntegeri_v:2183>: GL_INVALID_ENUM 07-04 15:14:23.441+0700 3588 3588 W Adreno-ES20: <core_glGetIntegeri_v:2183>: GL_INVALID_ENUM 07-04 15:14:23.441+0700 3588 3588 W Adreno-ES20: <core_glGetIntegeri_v:2183>: GL_INVALID_ENUM 07-04 15:14:23.441+0700 3588 3588 W Adreno-ES20: <get_simple_queries:1550>: GL_INVALID_ENUM 07-04 15:14:32.371+0700 857 857 W WEMAIL_CONSUMER: main.c: __service_app_low_memory_cb(58) > low memory callback is called. 07-04 15:14:32.371+0700 738 738 W MSG_CONSUMER: msg-consumer-server.c: __service_app_low_memory_cb(629) > low memory callback is called! 07-04 15:14:32.391+0700 1054 1054 E TEXTTEMPLATE: tt_main.c: _service_app_low_memory_cb(71) > _service_app_low_memory_cb 07-04 15:15:01.431+0700 841 841 E CAPI_APPFW_APPLICATION_PREFERENCE: preference.c: _read_data(278) > NO_KEY(0xffffff82) : fail to find given key(pedometer_inactive_period) 07-04 15:15:02.251+0700 1387 1387 E WRT_PLUGINS/TIZEN: JSPowerManager.cpp: setScreenBrightness(238) > value = 1.000000 07-04 15:15:03.521+0700 807 807 E RESOURCED: vmpressure-lowmem-handler.c: lowmem_kill_victims(907) > [lowmem_kill_victims,907] we killed, force(0), 1115 (wnotiboard-popup) score = 200, size = 5192 KB, victim total size = 5192 KB, sigterm = 1 07-04 15:15:03.521+0700 807 807 E RESOURCED: vmpressure-lowmem-handler.c: lowmem_kill_victims(907) > [lowmem_kill_victims,907] we killed, force(0), 1049 (call-consumer) score = 240, size = 1796 KB, victim total size = 6988 KB, sigterm = 1 07-04 15:15:03.521+0700 807 807 E RESOURCED: vmpressure-lowmem-handler.c: lowmem_kill_victims(907) > [lowmem_kill_victims,907] we killed, force(0), 1059 (wcontext-service) score = 240, size = 1528 KB, victim total size = 8516 KB, sigterm = 1 07-04 15:15:03.581+0700 441 441 W AUL_AMD : amd_request.c: __request_handler(554) > __request_handler: 22
Emulator do not show log with killer memory - (vmpressure-lowmem-handler.c: lowmem_kill_victims(907) > [lowmem_kill_victims)
Accordingly, how to reproduce the problem with memory for a web application?