
GEAR 2: Web App black on black on device, fine on simulator

Tizen-black and Tizen-white themes work perfectly in my app in the Tizen web simulator, but when I install on the GEAR 2, I get an all-black screen, (except for my slider).

I don't have any color styling in my own styles at all, don't see any references to color in any config files, kinda stumped.

I built the app from Tizen Web UI Framework template, but I'm wondering if there isn't compatibility issues as to which version that template was built for, the js lib versions, and whatever version of Tizen the Gear 2 is running.





3 Replies
Chris Schoenfeld

Figured out this one as well - kind of.

The tizen-web-ui-fw wasn't being added to the wgt build, as it's assumed it's pre-installed on the target device.

The documentation suggested changing the HTML js includes to /usr/share to use the on-device version, but that didn't work for me in either the simulator or the Gear 2.

Dragging the folder onto the built widget seemed to add the files correctly, but still didn't work on the device.


Under Project Properties...Tizen SDK/Web/Build, I had to uncheck 'Use the Tizen Web UI Framework library on the target device', and everything looked fine.


Kilim A

Tizen SDK

Version : 2.3.0beta
Build id : 20140902-1119  doesn't have "Tizen SDK/Web/Build, check-uncheck 'Use the Tizen Web UI Framework"

How solve the problem of black screen  on Remote Device?



You can find this option under:

Tizen SDK > Package > Web