
App was rejected. Report: "Unable to find the app due to the minimum supported OS version of Gear application."

My application was rejected after testing, and in Report was following information:

Unable to find the app due to the minimum supported OS version of Gear application.
- Min OS version which app defined : 2.3.1
- Latest OS version of Gear 2, Gear S : 2.2.1

1. Connect a Gear to a mobile device using Gear Manager
2. Check minimum supported OS version of Gear application and OS version of Gear device
3. Try to find the app -> Unable to find the app

<Expected Result>
It should unselect Gear 2/Gear 2 Neo/Gear S device from supported devices.


I have tested an app only in TizenSDK emulator and the app there runs normal

How to fix it problem?


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6 Replies
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daniel kim


I guess that your application was built in Tizen 2.3.1. But as far as I know, Gear 2/Gear 2 neo/Gear S supports Tizen 2.2.1. So your application is not working in Gear 2/Gear 2 neo/Gear S.

How about you change this required_version and try to test you application in Gear 2/Gear 2 neo/Gear S/ Gear S2?


    <tizen:application id="sAH1ThqsOM.Gear" package="sAH1ThqsOM" required_version="2.2.1"/>


Lena Dragan

Thank for your reply

I used TizenSDK 2.4

Where this code <tizen:application id="sAH1ThqsOM.Gear" package="sAH1ThqsOM" required_version="2.2.1"/>   must be in Config.xml?


"<widget xmlns="" xmlns:tizen="" id="http://yourdomain/DigitalWatchSeasons" version="1.0.0" viewmodes="maximized">
    <tizen:application id="O2VvjaaX8E.DigitalWatchSeasons" package="O2VvjaaX8E" required_version="2.3.1" ambient_support="enable" launch_mode="single"/>"   ?

or in place of this

" <tizen:application id="O2VvjaaX8E.DigitalWatchSeasons" package="O2VvjaaX8E" required_version="2.3.1" ambient_support="enable" launch_mode="single"/>"    ?


change you "required_version" from 2.3.1 to 2.2.1

you can do it manage your config.xml on Tizen tab using Required version field,

or in Source tab replace:

"<tizen:application id="O2VvjaaX8E.DigitalWatchSeasons" package="O2VvjaaX8E" required_version="2.3.1" ambient_support="enable" launch_mode="single"/>"


"<tizen:application id="O2VvjaaX8E.DigitalWatchSeasons" package="O2VvjaaX8E" required_version="2.2.1" ambient_support="enable" launch_mode="single"/>"


And resubmit your app to tizen staore.

Lena Dragan

changed "required_version" from 2.3.1 to 2.2.1    - and the app was rejected again. The reason:

" Unable to install application.     The launch_mode attribute is supported from Tizen 2.4 onwards. If the required_version in the config.xml file of an application is set to a version before Tizen 2.4, and the launch_mode attribute is used, the application installation fails."

What can I do else?

Marco Buettner
"<tizen:application id="O2VvjaaX8E.DigitalWatchSeasons" package="O2VvjaaX8E" required_version="2.2.1" ambient_support="enable" launch_mode="single"/>"


"<tizen:application id="O2VvjaaX8E.DigitalWatchSeasons" package="O2VvjaaX8E" required_version="2.2.1" ambient_support="enable" />"

But I'm not sure if ambient_support supported on <2.4



ambient_support property supported since 2.3.1

Make sure that you use the correct properties.