
Signature invalid


I am trying to test my wgt file on my Gear 2. The file is signed with the keys I received from

However I get the following error when I try to install with "sdb install" command:


C:\Users\Sorcerer\Desktop\Android-yedek\gear2>sdb install JediFightWW.wgt
pushed                JediFightWW.wgt   100%        487KB
1 file(s) pushed. 0 file(s) skipped.
JediFightWW.wgt                  1351 KB/s (499605 bytes in 0.361s)
path is /opt/usr/apps/tmp/JediFightWW.wgt
__return_cb req_id[1] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[II9YYf2shb] key[start] val[install]
__return_cb req_id[1] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[II9YYf2shb] key[install_percent] val[3
__return_cb req_id[1] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[II9YYf2shb] key[install_percent] val[2
__return_cb req_id[1] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[II9YYf2shb] key[install_percent] val[2
__return_cb req_id[1] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[II9YYf2shb] key[install_percent] val[3
__return_cb req_id[1] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[II9YYf2shb] key[error] val[22]
__return_cb req_id[1] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[II9YYf2shb] key[end] val[fail]
processing result : SIGNATURE_INVALID [22] failed
spend time for pkgcmd is [1867]ms

I had put my DUID in the certificate request which I had sent to gear2.sec.

What is wrong with my setup ?

Is there another step I should follow before  I install the built wgt file ?



16 Replies


To install, without the Tizen IDE for Wearable, a wearable application on a wearable device on which no wearable applications have previously been installed:

  1. In the Connection Explorer, select the /home/developer folder.
  2. Copy the certificate-registration.xml file containing the DUID of the target device to the /home/developer folder of the Wearable device.

 I hope this will help you.

Prachi Raut


I keep getting the SIGNATURE_INVALID [22].

To explain about the situation,

I requested for certificate with DUID of gear2 actual device to . (I have received device-profile.xml & author.crt files on my registered samsung account) which I have used to create author.p12 & distributor.p12
After I registered it on Tizen IDE for wearable, built the project.
Then I copy .wgt file to android application project to generate .apk and installed it on galaxy Note 2.
It was installed on gallexy Note 2 well, but I got the message "Failed to install the app." from gear manager and intallation for gear2 failed.

Additionally, when I used the SDB(sdb install xxx.wgt), I got the message "processing result : SIGNATURE_INVALID [22] failed".

Have even tried Right clicking on the project >> Run as >> Tizen wearable web application but receive same error message as "SIGNATURE_INVALID "

Some of the things I tried:

  • The certificate is for the correct device id, generated by the IDE. Tried two times to sign with Samsung.
  • Removed the .metadata folder from tizen workspace
  • The certificate is automaticaly copied to gear's /home/developer.
  • The project was cleaned multiple times, IDE and Gear restarted, Gear has been reset.

System/Device Configurations:

  • I have tried this on Windows as well as MAC OS
  • OSX Macintosh, Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3230M - 10.9.4v / Windows 8.1
  • Tizen IDE from install manager tizen-wearable-sdk-2.2.158
  • Tizen SDK for Wearable, Version : 1.0.0b3
  • Samsung Gear 2 (SM-R381)

Kindly assist me to resolve this issue & install the application on the gear device at the earliest?

Ryan D

I am currently experiencing the same issues,

[Installing the package...]
path is /opt/usr/apps/tmp/DeviceTest.wgt
start process (install)
error : 22

end process (fail)
processing result : SIGNATURE_INVALID [22] failed
spend time for pkgcmd is [4702]ms
[Transferring the package...]
    Repackaging is in progress before the package transfer.
    Transferred the package: H:\workspace\DeviceTest\DeviceTest.wgt -> /opt/usr/apps/tmp
path is /opt/usr/apps/tmp/DeviceTest.wgt
start process (install)
error : 22


I'm going to play around with this a bit more, I think it may have something to do with author.pri.

but i don't really know. Any guru's that can help us?!

Ryan D

I compared the Author Signature/Distributor Signature on my Gear2, With the Xml files in the DeviceTest.wgt and they are completely 



I guess this is what is causing the Error 22.. I havent found a solution yet, but ill report my findings here until one is eventually found.

Ryan D


Deleted the Metadata folder.

Started a New Workspace. Works great!


Hao Li

In Tizen SDK for Wearable 1.0.0b3, I met the same issue.

It doesn't work so far even if I tried to delete Metadata folder, start new workspace etc...

Alex Ashirov


Does your certificate-registration.xml contain correct DUID?

Hao Li

I get the DUID from property of the devices in Connection Explore

and in current Tizen SDK for Wearable 1.0.0b3, the step is

Generating a certificate signing request
Requesting certificates
Registering certificates
Adding certificates to the security profile in the Tizen IDE for Wearable

No certificate-registration.xml

Rajashri Pawar

Please tell me where certificate-registration.xml located?




Rajashri Pawar

Please tell me where certificate-registration.xml located?




daniel kim


In case of wearable SDK 1.0.0, you need to generate author.csr file and device-profile.xml to register your certificate file.

but certificate-registration.xml  is legacy certificate file and generally you can find it in following folder of PC.


Fabio Carta

Just removing the .metadata worked for me! Thanks

SangHyun Kang

where is [.metadata] file ?

SangHyun Kang

[~/workspace/.metadata] is folder.

I was removed it. but did not work.

daniel kim


In my case, I copied my previous certificate-registration.xml into keystore folder of SDK in wearable SDK 1.0.0 and clicked the 'permit to install application' in connection explorer.

daniel kim


Could you open the device-profile.xml in editor and check the <TestDevice> DUID </TestDevice> inside of this file?

You can check whether your xml contains the correct DUID of your device in this tag.