
Gear 2 emulator hangs

I'm developing an app for Samsung Gear 2 (using Tizen), the emulator is run from Tizen IDE, on Windows 8. To power it off, I right click on the gear surface, then choose Close. Then a screen with 2 options "Power off" and "Restart" appears. I click "Power off", it just hangs there forever.

I tried another way: Right click the gear surface. Then choose Advanced -> Force close. Still no luck. 

Checking the Task Manager, I see the QEMU emulators and tools ... running, which I cannot kill by using End Task.

It happens everytime. I think there's a bug in the QEMU emulator, because I can't even kill the process in Windows Task Manager, have to RESTART my computer everytime.

Did it happen to anyone here? Your workaround? Thanks.


Edited by: Tung Le on 08 Jul, 2014


4 Replies
ed lai
hi, im having the same problem, do you know how to fix it now? thanks.
munkyu im


Could you send me log files? :

It's in {tizen-sdk-data}/emulator/vms/{vm_name}/logs


ed lai


i think the reason is that the emulator doesnt support the newest version of haxm.

the emulator is usin haxm 1.5 right now, but 1.5 doesnt work on win 8.1.

haxm 1.8 works fine on win 8.1, but the emulator doesnt support it.

i reinstalled everything and disable the vt option so i dont have the log file anymore

munkyu im

Haxm 1.5 has issue on Windows8.1. (

We will consider to upgrade to haxm 1.8.
