
Privileges in static library

I am developing a static library.  For it to work properly, there are some privileges that consumers of my library have to put in their tizen-manifest.xml file, and they will also have to create a res/xml/accessoryservices.xml file.

Is there a way to package these other assets with the library in a way that Tizen Studio understands, so developers using my library don't have to explicitly add them? (Android Studio does something like this for its permissions and assets.)  As it stands, I would bet that many of the support issues I will get from developers will come from them not having the privileges & resources set up correctly.




1 Replies
Mango Bar

As far as i know  you can't  package privileges  with your custom library as security issue is related with privileges. Even when we use Samsung sdk specific library (EX: Rich Notification etc. ) we need to write that library related privileges by ourself explicitely in manifest file.