Hi all,
I want to know how to implement a image button.
When I implemented that by referencing Sample Native Project, the image was in blue circle alwalys. I want to diplay just image without blue circle.
I tried with Image widget not button widget, but Image widget did not allow 'pressed' callback.
My code is as follows
Evas_Object *btn = elm_button_add(parent_layout); Evas_Object *icon = elm_image_add(parent_layout); elm_image_file_set(icon, icon_id, NULL); elm_image_resizable_set(icon, EINA_TRUE, EINA_TRUE); elm_object_content_set(btn, icon); evas_object_smart_callback_add(btn, "pressed", cb_pressed, info); evas_object_smart_callback_add(btn, "clicked", cb_clicked, info); evas_object_show(btn);