
Is it possible to access .so file from tizen native/web application?

I have .so file, which I am using for android application, Can I use this .so file for tizen web/Native application development?

Edited by: Bisnu Saha on 09 Oct, 2014


1 Replies
Md. Anwar Parvez

Hello Bishnu Shaha,

Prebuilt *.so files cannot be used directly if it was not built for the intended Tizen platform (also depends on architectures i.e. x86 or ARM).As your existing files are built for Android you cannot use those in Tizen.

But surely, you can use *.so files built for Tizen or built from source within Tizen projects. The procedure is as follows:

Lets assume you have two applications:

1. TestLibrary (shared library)

2. TestApplication (which wants to use a .so file)



1. copy the header files of shared library (in the example : TestLibrary/inc)to TestApplication's inc folder.

2. keep the .so file (in our example: in TestApplication's lib folder

3. Show library path as following:

a. Open TestApplication's properties window

b. C/C++ Build -> Settings

c. C++ Linker -> Libraries

d. In "Libraries(-l)" section click add and put the .so file's name excluding .so and lib (in my example: org.example.testlibrary)

4. Now use the .so files' functions by including the header files in your TestApplication.