Andrey Shitov - MSU - Open Systems
At this moment there are many developers who produce software for mobile and enterprise segments. There is a huge number of frameworks developed in Java especially for Android, which provide powerful functionality for commercial usage. In comparison with the most popular mobile platforms like Android and iOS, the Tizen ecosystem is eager to grow the number of active users. A big portion of mandatory mobile applications functionality is not supported in Tizen, which negatively impacts user and developer experience. To address these challenges, two approaches are suggested here: provide possibility to launch Java Android application on Tizen and to integrate Java Android 3rd party frameworks smoothly. This presentation describes in detail technology solutions for both challenges, mentioned above.
The first approach is based on the idea, first of all, to provide an appropriate Android environment, which is expected by Android applications and redirect all application requests to the Tizen platform. Currently, such functionality is presented by A2TRuntime package, which is based on Android Opensource project. All Android Java classes required by application “communicate” with platform through a bridge, which consists of Java and native Android libraries primarily mapped to Tizen API. From the other side, an Android application should be recognized by Tizen OS as native app. This is ensured by proper integration with Tizen package manager and Tizen task manager.
The second approach is based on the idea to provide a special proxy layer with a C++ API, which cooperates with Java world through JNI. Using this approach, each Android framework (as well as Android Java Runtime) could be presented in the Tizen Native API by its own image in C++. The Tizen developer in a natural way can reuse required functionality presented by any Android or Java framework if it is supported by AOSP.
To demonstrate the possibilities of these suggested solutions, two demo applications were prepared. The first one is a significant Android application from Google Play written in Java. The second one is a Tizen C++ application created in Tizen Studio, which uses 3rd party Android framework UIL to asynchronously download images from different storage and show them on the device screen. The source code of the applications contains several snippets “how to invoke Java framework from C++ code”.