Retrieve Call Details Tutorial

Retrieve Call Details Tutorial


This article explains how to retrieve details of activities performed on a contact number from the Call logs using Tizen platform device API's. The article applies only for systems based on Tizen platform.


To use the Call API methods, you must declare the necessary features in the config.xml file.

Call Details

By using method you can fetch details of activities performed on a contact number from the Call logs. This is an asynchronous method and accepts following parameters:

  • successCallback:

    This parameter is used as a Handler for query result set.

  • errorCallback :

    Error Handler.

  • filter:

    Search Criteria. This example retrieves details of activities performed using "1122334455" contact number.

  • sortMode:

    The sortMode parameter manages the order preferences of the result set. In this example calls are sorted in descending order of thier start time.

  • limit:

    Limits the query result set to maximum number given in the parameter.If 0, there is no limit set.

  • offset:

    Specifies the offset in the result set, from where the results are listed.

$ var sortMode = new tizen.SortMode("startTime", "DESC");

$ var numberfilter = new tizen.AttributeFilter("remoteParties.remoteParty",

$ function onError(error) {
    console.log ("Query is failed" +;

$ function onSuccess(results) {
    for (var i=0; i<results.length;i++) {   // process the CallHistoryEntry
        //Voice or VOIP call
        console.log(CallType + ". " + results[i].callType);
        //Start Time
        console.log(startTime + ". " + results[i].startTime);
        // Duration
        console.log(duration + ". " + results[i].duration);
        //Outgoing or incoming
        console.log(direction + ". " + results[i].direction);
        //Call Cost
        console.log(cost + ". " + results[i].cost);

//Make the query and wire up the callbacks.

$, onError, numberfilter, sortMode);