Basic Ecore Loop Events/Functionality Handling
Basic functionality implementing Ecore's main loop that supports multiple events. For example: sleep().
This functionality can be used during game development.
123456789101112131415161718192021IncrementalTimeCount(void *data EINA_UNUSED){dlog_print(DLOG_VERBOSE,LOG_TAG,"Incremental Time Count\n");int experiment_no =1; /* No of times to observe incremental time counting */do{/* Retrieves the current system time as a floating point value in seconds */dlog_print(DLOG_VERBOSE,LOG_TAG,"Current Ecore Time: %0.6f\n", ecore_time_get());dlog_print(DLOG_VERBOSE,LOG_TAG,"Current Unix Time: %0.6f\n", ecore_time_unix_get());dlog_print(DLOG_VERBOSE,LOG_TAG,"\nGo Sleep For %d Second(s)...\n",experiment_no);/* Events handling and added functionality implementation may go here */sleep(experiment_no);/* Example of functionality in Ecore main loop */experiment_no++;}while( experiment_no<=4);/* Quits the main loop once all the events currently on the queue have been processed. */ecore_main_loop_quit();return EINA_FALSE;}