I'm trying to launch the browser from within my native app. I use the code below, taken directly from the Native App Programming Guide in the IDE. I have the privelige http://tizen.org/privilege/application.launch in my manifest. However, if fails with the following error -
E/Tizen::App(10938): result Tizen::App::_AppControlManager::LaunchPkg(Tizen::App::_AppMessageImpl&, const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*, void (*)(void*, int, service_result_e, void*), void*) (313). > [E_SYSTEM] Launching service com.samsung.browser failure with -4
- does anyone why I am getting this error, or where I am going wrong?
HashMap extraData; extraData.Construct(); String urlKey = L"url"; String urlVal = L"http://www.tizen.org"; extraData.Add(&urlKey, &urlVal); AppControl* pAc = AppManager::FindAppControlN(L"tizen.internet", L"http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/view"); if (pAc) { pAc->Start(null, null, &extraData, null); delete pAc; }