Hello all, I'm trying to draw a polyline on a map using the HERE add-on SDK. I'm pretty much just following instructions but once I try to create a polyline the map wont even display. I have taken bits and pieces from the sample (as there it seems to work fine) to isolate the problem but no luck. Here is the code that displays the map
result PolylineTestMainForm::OnInitializing(void) { result r = E_SUCCESS; String appId = L"XXX"; String appCode = L"XXX"; if (!MapApplicationContext::GetInstance().IsInitialized()) MapApplicationContext::GetInstance().Initialize(appCode, appId, LANGUAGE_ENG); Map*__pMap = new (std::nothrow) Map(); r = __pMap->Construct(GetClientAreaBounds().width, GetClientAreaBounds().height); AddControl(__pMap); Coordinates coord; //Coordinates for Los Angeles coord.Set(34.0535, -118.245, 0.0); __pMap->SetCenter(coord); __pMap->SetZoomLevel(12.0); __pMap->AddMapEventListener(*this); SetFormBackEventListener(this); return r; }
This displays the map ok. Now when I add the polyline code
. . . Polyline* pPolyline = new (std::nothrow) Polyline(); ArrayList polylineList(NoOpDeleter); polylineList.Construct(); Coordinates c1; Coordinates c2; Coordinates c3; Coordinates c4; c1.Set(34.170896, -118.231267, 0); c2.Set(34.142485, -118.231267, 0); c3.Set(34.142485, -118.162603, 0); c4.Set(34.114066, -118.162603, 0); polylineList.Add(c1); polylineList.Add(c2); polylineList.Add(c3); polylineList.Add(c4); pPolyline->SetPath(polylineList); pPolyline->SetVisible(true); pPolyline->SetStrokeColor(Color::GetColor(COLOR_ID_RED)); pPolyline->SetStrokeThickness(10); pPolyline->AddMapObjectEventListener(*this); __pMap->AddMapObject(pPolyline); SetFormBackEventListener(this); . .
I just get a blank map with the HERE logo. What am I doing wrong? This appears to be the exactly same think that is done in the sample. Thanks for any info in advance. Regards Jirka