
Platform stability

Hi there. We are developing an app for Tizen.
Which is so incredible and innovative platform, that I had to reimplement every single control by myself.
Eye-burning dark UI theme, lack of Panel autosize property, buggy keypad and locale handling, awkward relative layout, useless UI builder and SDK docs that differs a lot from reality. I've got used to it already.
But changing UX/UI with every minor release (2.0, 2.1 and now 2.2)? That's too much. Still no 2.2 RD-PQ firmware; the one you'd probably suggest was released with 2.2b and was not updated since that. UI customiser - crashes from time to time and doesn't have possibility to modify focus frame (see EditField for example). WVGA mode? Great! But where is WVGA ref-device?
The most incredible thing is this: with every damn minor release we're getting brand new guidelines that even don't match the actual reference apps. Just take a look at this:
Dear DevTeam, please, do something with all that crap, which i'm getting tired of. Name the pre-release dates, provide usefull AND stable design guidelines, full UI customisation features and stability. We don't really care about IVI, just give as a platform which wouldn't change every month.

Forgot to mention we are developing Native App.

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


9 Replies
Peter Wegner
No problem for Samsung. WVGA device is S8600 for Tizen. :) Best Regards
Pavel Pertsev
And where could we get Tizen firmware for S8600?
As long as Tizen is not released to public, I will expect UI changes on every release!! UI is a key element for tizen to success and I think they will change it frequently... there are many things I am not happy about but Tizen 2.2 is better than Tizen 2.0 for me For example, I don't like forcing the developers to use circle-shape icons for apps..
Pavel Pertsev
Could you explain me how Sammy's gonna get Tizen apps released if developers oughta redesign whole project every minor (!) release and sometimes even change user experience (HW-buttons)?
I don't say you are wrong but I feel it is going to happen beacuse it is key element and very important to Samsung The last email I got asking to migrate my appsto 2.2 they wrote "we expect it would take 1 or 2 days" So for Samsung, they think the work of one or two days are not much to ask from developers :) I have been working on my apps for more than that for sure ,,, found many bugs and reported them ...!!
My point, I am not happy but I understand it :)
Peter Wegner
Sorry. S8600 was bad joke by me... As Samsung totally ignore bada... and their customers + bada Developers. :( And Tizen seems not ready before Version 3.x... Before 2014, I think nothing really changed. Sorry again, for my useless post. Good luck with Tizen. Best Regards
Marco Buettner
Where ignore Samsung bada Developers? bada developers can easy apps from bada to Tizen and Samsung has for bada Developer are own Tizen Developer Event... The customers is another topic.
If for you this is not ignoring... In example if someone started and made 1000 apps for Bada, and after 2 years this marked is dead... all his work is dead, and he is not getting paid... They killed Bada market by not continuing creating new Bada phones. Android apps which were made 2 years ago, are still valuable and can be selled after some updates to newer android versions - which means you get paid. Nobody knows how long Tizen will live... when and with what impact Tizen phones made by Samsung drop worldwide, so "bada developers can easy apps from bada to Tizen" is no argument... That's why now people think twice before they look at Tizen bearing in mind how fast Samsung can change mind. Regards