
Drop-list control


I found a lot of using drop-list control in Tizen device, e.g like this:

However, I could not find any examples in the SDK or documentation. Did I miss something or should I make my own custom control?

Many thanks for any help!

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


4 Replies
le thanh dinh
Well, after digging in the SDK source code, I found the control ExpandableList which is not mentioned in the SDK samples as well as the documentation.
muditha murthy
Yes expandablelist is not there in Tizen, instead you can use GroupedListView where you can expand and collapse its items by calling SetItemProvider API.
le thanh dinh
Hi Muditha, thanks for the help. However, it seems that the GroupedListView is not exactly as the one on the screenshot where it should have a right arrow and no underlined header.
le thanh dinh
Yes, it's deprecated. I'll try GroupedListView or GroupedTableView as you suggested. Thanks.