How can I see what's service logging on console?
I can see the log "Launch Service succeeded", but I can't see "service start"
I can't see the log when I launch application containing service with something like that:
module.exports.onStart = function()
console.log("service start");
tizen.application.launchAppControl(new tizen.ApplicationControl(""), "XXX.service1", function() {console.log("Launch Service succeeded"); }, function(e) {console.log("Launch Service failed : " + e.message);});
<tizen:service id="XXX.service1" on-boot="true" auto-restart="true"> <tizen:content src="service/service.js"/> <tizen:name>WebServiceApplication1</tizen:name> <tizen:icon src="icon.png"/> <tizen:description>Service FotballLive</tizen:description> </tizen:service>