
Why google fonts were not applyed in tizen phone?

In tizen simulator the fonts were applyed well.

But the fonts not work in the phone.

How can I apply the google fonts in tizen phone..?

Ah.. Korean not work I think... How can I apply the fonts on korean?

Edited by: 명훈 심 on 03 Sep, 2018
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Armaan-Ul- Islam

Download and Add the font to your tizen web project. This will package the font with the tizen web app.


Create a folder on your project root directory. Suppose 'fontsFolder'.

In your css file, add the font using '@font-face', mention the file location and apply to required field.

@font-face {
   font-family: myCustomFont;
   src: url('../fontsFolder/AlexBrush-Regular.ttf');

    font-family: 'myCustomFont'!important;
<span class="customFontSpan">Basic</span>

Use '!important' to avoid being overridden.