
[wearable] How can I communicate to arduino Using by bluetooth?

Hello I am planning to communicate gear s2 and arduino using by bluetooth.

I want to make "If arduino send some values to gear s2 the values showed up on the screen" system.

And is it possible to change or control the functions in arduino using by bluetooth?

Like when I select function A on gear s2, the function in arduino  run and anytime I want to change to function B, the arduino run it.

Edited by: John Ixion on 21 Oct, 2017


2 Replies
André Reus


You can use Tizen BL API for tizen part. See the tutorial Connecting to and Exchanging Data with a Bluetooth Device section.  You must peer the bluetooth devices before exchanging data. 

For Arduino part, 

You may follow these 



You can also read data from Tizen gear using socket.readData()  . 

So in short, 

1. Make peer of two BL devices. 
2. Implement Tizen Gear Code with button listener events. 
3. Check which button is call from arduino as shown in image and take necessary actions. 

4. Return with  data from arduino. 

Hope it will help you. 


Ches Lans

Hi...I just checked the spec of Arduino Zero, they run at 3.3v, so you dont need any level shifting, can connect directly to Bluetooth Rx without any resistors. Also you got 2 UART and no need to use Software Serial as well.