
gyroscope in wearable emulator

Hi everyone,

I'm developing an app for wearable devices and I need gyroscope information.

This is my code:

if (window.DeviceOrientationEvent) {
          document.getElementById("title").innerHTML = "DeviceOrientation";
		  window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', function(eventData) {
		    document.getElementById("title").innerHTML = eventData.gamma+' '+eventData.beta+' '+eventData.alpha;
		  }, false);
		} else {
		  document.getElementById("title").innerHTML = "Not supported."

The event is supported as the title is set to "DeviceOrientation", the problem is that the event is never launched.

I tried rotating the emulator but nothing happens. I wanted t inject the event from the event injector interface but apparently it is not supported in the wearable sdk.

How can I have the rotation event launched? any idea?




7 Replies
Marco Buettner

Read Documentation... DeviceOrientation isn't support by wearables yet

Stefano Bennati

Thanks for the answer.

Can you please point me to the documentation you are referring to? What should I use instead?





Try to use "SystemInfoDeviceOrientation" in SystemInfo API.

Stefano Bennati

Thanks a lot for the information!

Now I tried your suggestion and read the system-information API guide.

I added the following privileges:

<tizen:privilege name=""/>
<tizen:privilege name=""/>
<tizen:privilege name=""/>
<tizen:privilege name=""/>

I added the last privilege as the two specified in the guide are not existing in the API and that is the one that looks most similar.

I'm running this code:

var deviceCapabilities;
deviceCapabilities = tizen.systeminfo.getCapabilities();
if (deviceCapabilities.wifi)
   console.log("wifi is available");

 In the js console I get this error: Uncaught ReferenceError: tizen is not defined

Do you know what I'm doing wrong?


Stefano Bennati

Ok I figured that out: "tizen" is not defined in the simulator, while it works in the emulator.

To be more precise, it does not work wery well. It doesn't matter the emulator's orientation, the output will always be portrait_primary.

So how can I change the orientation of the emulator?


Marco Buettner

You have a simulator on Tizen SDK for Wearables? Crazy, I only have Emulator options o0

Stefano Bennati

Yes, if you click on the preview button (it is explained in the first video) Chrome will open and show you the app