Using Tizen studio 1.0 (And - the same error occurs in Tizen SDK, Version : 2.4.0_Rev8)
When I debug (a Gear2s web app running in emulator) in chromes web inspector, the Enter key no longer executes what i write.
It simply gives me a new line! (The tab key doesn't work either, it simply deletes whatever suggestion chrome gave from me starting to type, not as it should, accept the suggestion.)
I've tried the chrome javascript console (F12) in Chrome itself and when launched from Chrome browser IT WORKS as expected, executing commands written in the console window upon enter key. So, the error only appears when chrome javascript console is launched from the Tizen developer studio (or SDK).
The enter key used to work, but now, suddenly gives me this strange behaviour.
Please, help. I really need the console to execute upon enter key.