
How to make certificates working in a new installation?

Hi, I had Tizen Wearable IDE 1.0.0.b3 on my old MacBook Air. It crashed (in an update) and I had to reformat it. Fortunately I had a backup of the keystore.

In the new installed Tizen Wearable IDE 1.0.0 I'm trying to get my author and distributor certificates working but I can't!

First of all I can't find the passwords of these certificates. I tried a lot of passwords but it seems I forgot the right one. In the "Register certificate" form, I use a "lecagy certificate" and the certificate-registration.xml I backed up. But any password I try it says "Registration failed. Reason: Certificates are not generated because of unknown reason."

So I tried the "Request the certificate" using the old author.csr file or "Request a device profile" but Samsung doesn't send me any file! What could I do? Thank you.



5 Replies
colin Rao


Did you discribe the setting in IDE Window > Preference > Tizen SDK > Security Profiles

I've encounter similar issue for Tizen Mobile, post my solution as your reference.

1. I uninstall old Tizen SDK for Mobile, and delete the tizen-sdk, tizen-sdk-data folder, also delete the workspace folder(please make sure backup your projects before doing this action).

if you don't delete the workspace folder, after you install the new version SDK, you will failed to build your project.

2. Install the new version SDK.

3. Open your IDE, create a new clean workspace, and go to Window > Preference > Tizen SDK > Security Profiles. Click "Add" to new a Profile, enter the name and leave the less as default. Click "Generate" to new an Author Certificate and input the mandatory filed.

4. Copy your backup project to your new workspace, select File > Import in IDE to import and open your project, and re-build your project, you won't get the certificate error issue.

possibly, there will be some other builde error, which caused by the new SDK version.


Stefano Accorsi

Thank you Colin but it didn't work.

The problem is that when in Security Profiles I have to add an author.p12 file, I use the old author.p12 I backed-up but I don't remember the password! And in this page I haven't any Generate button. But even if I could generate a new author file, I have to send it to Samsung and it doesn't answer me with the certificate ... I don't know why (it's 2 days I'm trying but no answers).

Moreover, I read in a post that if I have an app published (and this is the case) I need to use the old author file and not generate a new one.

Well ... I can't think anything that could help ...


Kiwook Hong


Would you let me know your email account?

Server should send you mail, so I can check the server log with your account.


Stefano Accorsi

Thank you Kiwook for your interest.

First of all, I solved thanks to the Samsung support: they created me new certificates from scratch and I wrote them, by e-mail, the needed infos.

Anyway my mail is stefano.accorsi AT Thank you.

pradeep ramaiah

Exit the Tizen SDK IDE and delete the workspace.

Create the workspace in the root directory where the SDK is installed.

Start the SDK IDE with the new workspace

Generate the new certificates.

Then try to run