
Queries on Dynamic Analyzer Tool
Function Profiling ==================== Query 1 ========= In Function Profiling, it shows exclusive cpu time & inclusive cpu time. For contact app, exclusive cpu time is 0 seconds but inclusive cpu time is 5.49 seconds and CPU Rate is 92.58%. What is the meaning of CPU Rate here which is 92.58%? I could see exclusive CPU Time is 0 seconds .Is it because the value is less than 1 milli second or any other reason? _start takes 5.49 seconds Inclusive CPU Time and 0 seconds Exclusive CPU Time. Query 2 ======= I have loaded debug info package of evas library but When I click on the function name,suppose evas_font_reinit,I could not see the Call Stack. How can we do that? TimeLine ======== Query 3 ======= I have loaded evas library debug info package and debug source package. When I click on evas_init function, I could not see the CallStack properly. In the callstack,It gives ~~internal library~~ under the function and under library name. How can we get the callstack completely? General Query ============ Query 4 ======= How does dynamic analyzer communicate with the device? Dynamic Anlayzer is in host machine. How does the communication happening between device and Dynamic Analyzer. Binary Settings Query ==================== Query 5 ======== In the Settings->Binary Settings,For dependent library,We add .so first and the add Debug Info package in the Debug Package Text box and Debug Source Package in the Source Directory Path. If we need to trace application,we add application binary and then Debug Info Package in the Debug Package Text box and Debug Source Package in the Source Directory Path. Why are we adding Debug Source when we can get Call Trace using Debug-Info Package itself.Is it mandatory to add Debug Source?? Is it like if we want to view the source code of dependent library/application,then we have to add debug source? Few Functions displayed regarding the application ================================================= Query 6 ======= I have added the application binary and then added Debug info package in Debug Package Tab and Debug Source rpm in Source Directory path. I have attached Configuration_Tab.png screenshot for the same. I could see only very few functions in call trace.
Edited by: RAJENDRA NAIK on 06 Nov, 2014


1 Replies

Function Profiling
Query 1
In Function Profiling, it shows exclusive cpu time & inclusive cpu time. For contact app, exclusive cpu time is 0 seconds but inclusive cpu time is 5.49 seconds and CPU Rate is 92.58%.
What is the meaning of CPU Rate here which is 92.58%?
I could see exclusive CPU Time is 0 seconds .Is it because the value is less than 1 milli second or any other reason?
_start takes 5.49 seconds Inclusive CPU Time and 0 seconds Exclusive CPU Time.

Query 2
I have loaded debug info package of evas library but When I click on the function name,suppose evas_font_reinit,I could not see the Call Stack.
How can we do that?


Query 3
I have loaded evas library debug info package and debug source package.
When I click on evas_init function, I could not see the CallStack properly.
In the callstack,It gives ~~internal library~~ under the function and <unknown libary> under library name.
How can we get the callstack completely?

General Query
Query 4
How does dynamic analyzer communicate with the device?
Dynamic Anlayzer is in host machine. How does the communication happening between device and Dynamic Analyzer.

Binary Settings Query
Query 5
In the Settings->Binary Settings,For dependent library,We add .so first and the add Debug Info package in the Debug Package Text box and Debug Source Package in the Source Directory Path.
If we need to trace application,we add application binary and then Debug Info Package in the Debug Package Text box and Debug Source Package in the Source Directory Path.
Why are we adding Debug Source when we can get Call Trace using Debug-Info Package itself.Is it mandatory to add Debug Source??
Is it like if we want to view the source code of dependent library/application,then we have to add debug source?

Few Functions displayed regarding the application
Query 6
I have added the application binary and then added Debug info package in Debug Package Tab and Debug Source rpm in Source Directory path. I have attached Configuration_Tab.png screenshot for the same.

I could see only very few functions in call trace.