
can't replace global operator new and delete

Simple application overriding global new and delete operators like this:

#include <new>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <FBaseLog.h>
#include <FBaseColArrayList.h>

static bool MEM_LOG = false;
void *operator new(::size_t size) throw(std::bad_alloc)                 { if (MEM_LOG) { AppLog("%d", size); } return ::malloc(size); }
void *operator new [] (::size_t size) throw(std::bad_alloc)             { if (MEM_LOG) { AppLog("%d", size); } return ::malloc(size); }
void *operator new(::size_t size, const ::std::nothrow_t &) throw()     { if (MEM_LOG) { AppLog("%d", size); } return ::malloc(size); }
void *operator new [] (::size_t size, const ::std::nothrow_t &) throw() { if (MEM_LOG) { AppLog("%d", size); } return ::malloc(size); }

void operator delete(void *p) throw()                               { if (MEM_LOG) { AppLog("%p", p); } ::free(p); }
void operator delete [] (void *p) throw()                           { if (MEM_LOG) { AppLog("%p", p); } ::free(p); }
void operator delete(void *p, const ::std::nothrow_t &) throw()     { if (MEM_LOG) { AppLog("%p", p); } ::free(p); }
void operator delete [] (void *p, const ::std::nothrow_t &) throw() { if (MEM_LOG) { AppLog("%p", p); } ::free(p); }

void dump_global_new_delete_override_for_system_class() {
    MEM_LOG = true;
    Tizen::Base::Collection::ArrayList* p = new Tizen::Base::Collection::ArrayList();
    delete p;
    MEM_LOG = false;

extern "C" _EXPORT_ int OspMain(int argc, char *pArgv[]) {
    AppLog("Application started.");
    return 0;

gives different output results when running in debug mode or not:

When it's executed in debug mode (or via 'sdb launch -m debug') log contains what I expect:

06-13 17:37:53.165 : INFO / SpikeGlobalNewDelete ( 5865 : 5865 ) : int OspMain(int, char **)(28) > Application started.
06-13 17:37:53.165 : INFO / SpikeGlobalNewDelete ( 5865 : 5865 ) : void dump_global_new_delete_override_for_system_class()(19) > ================================================================
06-13 17:37:53.165 : INFO / SpikeGlobalNewDelete ( 5865 : 5865 ) : void *operator new(::size_t)(7) > 36
06-13 17:37:53.165 : INFO / SpikeGlobalNewDelete ( 5865 : 5865 ) : void *operator new[](::size_t, const ::std::nothrow_t &)(10) > 40
06-13 17:37:53.165 : INFO / SpikeGlobalNewDelete ( 5865 : 5865 ) : void operator delete[](void *)(13) > 0x2a027c20
06-13 17:37:53.165 : INFO / SpikeGlobalNewDelete ( 5865 : 5865 ) : void operator delete(void *)(12) > 0x2a010b70
06-13 17:37:53.165 : INFO / SpikeGlobalNewDelete ( 5865 : 5865 ) : void dump_global_new_delete_override_for_system_class()(23) > ================================================================

But when it's executed in run mode (or via 'sdb launch -m run' or via the launch icon on device), log contains only:

06-13 17:38:08.540 : INFO / SpikeGlobalNewDelete ( 5879 : 5879 ) : int OspMain(int, char **)(28) > Application started.
06-13 17:38:08.540 : INFO / SpikeGlobalNewDelete ( 5879 : 5879 ) : void dump_global_new_delete_override_for_system_class()(19) > ================================================================
06-13 17:38:08.540 : INFO / SpikeGlobalNewDelete ( 5879 : 5879 ) : void *operator new(::size_t)(7) > 36
06-13 17:38:08.540 : INFO / SpikeGlobalNewDelete ( 5879 : 5879 ) : void dump_global_new_delete_override_for_system_class()(23) > ================================================================

It happens for every class from dynamic library (in this case it is ArrayList from '') on real device and on emulator too.

It looks like undefined symbols of such dynamic libraries (new/delete - _Znaj/_ZnajRKSt9nothrow/_ZdaPv/etc) are still linked with standart's new/delete implementations from "" instead of my executable module.

Why does it happen in run? Why debugging has a different but at least correct behavior?

How correctly to override global operators new and delete on Tizen platform?


Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


2 Replies
Nick Dodonov
answer to "Why questions": With further researches I've got: * When application is executed with a debugger - it's executed as a separate process. - `sdb shell pmap ` gives info that executable is loaded *first* before any dynamic library. - run-time dynamic linker correctly resolves undefined/weak symbols from loaded dynamic libraries to my executable, so symbols just like _Znwj/_ZdlPv/etc (operator new/delete/etc) correctly resolved to my implementation. - OspMain is called after everything is loaded via ''/FApp_AppEntry.cpp/main() - all works correctly! * When application is just launched - it is executed as fork() of /usr/bin/launchpad_preloading_preinitializing_daemon - `pmap` for 'launchpad' gives that it's already loaded every platform's dynamic library, so all their undefined/weak symbols are possibly already resolved. - forked launchpad's uiapp_loader.c/main() loads my executable via dlopen() (so it became *last* loaded in pmap) and calls OspMain So in launch mode, in case executable uses code like this: SomeLibraryClass* p = new SomeLibraryClass(); delete p; 'operator new' is called from executable, but 'operator delete' from libstdc++ (because gcc compiler puts 'operator delete' invocation into destructor's implementation). ================================================================ So question now is: Is it possible to override global operator new/delete in Tizen native application? ================================================================ P.S. question is repeated in [Tizen Application-dev] mail-list:
john Smith
Hi , I came to know that, Tizen SDK does not allow to overriding the global operator new and delete.