Hey guys,
I recently purchased a Gear 2 Neo device and I want to test my apps on it. But I cannot request a device certificate profile. I fill in the form, but I never received anything. I've tried over 100 times I think, in all combinations of Privilege Level and Developer type, I tried with Virtual Device UID and Gear 2 UID, I tried creating a new certificate with the wizard and submitting it... but it's useless, I never receive anything back from Samsung in my e-mail.
I tried to write an e-mail to tizen.sec@samsung... and gear2.sec@samsung... but I receive an error message from Samsung servers saying "No Such User Here". Also Seller Office support is not very usefull, I explained them my issue several times and every time they tell me how to generate the certificate... I know how to generate it, the problem is I never receive anything back in my inbox...
Is someone here from the Tizen Dev team who can help me get this certificate so I can test my apps?