
Tizen webapis avplay onerrormsg internal OpenMAX error.
Hi, I am using Tizen webapis.avplay player built in module in my streaming service. The problem is that there are too many GStreamer and OpenMAX error in internal tizen avplay, and the user can't watch the stream. The error occurs in gstomx_base_filter.c(2309) pad_chain() function. Error detail message is "/GstPipeline:TrackRenderer/GstBin:videobin/GstOmxVideoDec:omxvideodec32" and seems that there is a problem in GStreamer pipeline structure. It involves a pipeline named TrackRenderer with a bin (GstBin) called videobin, and within that bin, there's a specific OpenMAX video decoder element named omxvideodec32. Fianlly, there's an issue with the OpenMAX component (omxvideodec32) not producing data output as expected. There is also an error in gstomx_base_filter.c(600), simillar to the first one, which is "/GstPipeline:TrackRenderer/GstBin:videobin/GstOmxVideoDec:omxvideodec1", and then "Error from OpenMAX component". This error suggests that there's a problem when attempting to change the state of the OpenMAX component (omxvideodec1). Changing the state in multimedia processing typically involves transitioning between different states such as "playing," "paused," or "stopped." Because of this error, my service users gets onerror and can not watch the stream meantime. Please help me figure out this problem as soon as possible. Thank you.