
How to get a .wgt file

I have created an web-app (folder with html, css, js, icon.png, config.xml files and pictures). It is an interactive screen-saver for smart-watch. I have tested it on tizen sdk emulator (works norm). How to get a .wgt file from it? Following here   (on Step 2)  I try to build a project using menu "Project > Build Project" but after that I see no file .swg

Edited by: Lena Dragan on 21 Jan, 2016
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7 Replies
Marco Buettner

build package

Lena Dragan

After launch "Build Package" I see an error in window "Signing":

"Active secure profile is not set. Please check the signing configurations     Preferences > Security profile"

A link Security profile   follows to the window, where an information about security profile must be. I think, that I must to create this profile, but I do not know where can I take a datas for this file, how to fill in correct that datas.

Text fields in this window:


2) Author Certificate (and sections Certificate path  and Password)

3) Distributor sertificates(Certificate path , Password, CA path, Root CA path)

Where can I receive an Certificate?




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Marco Buettner

You have to create Author Certificate -> Click "Generate"

Hint: Make a safe copy of this author file, because u will need it for updates of the app ;)

Lena Dragan

Thank you


FYI, Certification guide:

Seoghyun Kang

Dear Lena Dragan,


You wrote the your application works well on emulator.


If it is true, you can find your wgt file in project explorer.

That's because wgt file should be created before it launch.


Please find wgt file in project explorer or workspace of your project.





As Seoghyun Kang comment, you can find .wgt file in root directory of your project.