
How to convert .amr to .mp3 or something



I am developing Audio Recording Application at Wearable Web Application.

And I refered to Sample project named VoiceRecorder.

It is so helpful to me.


But It has bad sound quality and only .amr file extension.

function getRecordingFormat() {
            // return 'amr';
               return 'mp3';

This causes object CameraSettingErrors


I heard that there is no API that convert to good sound quality in Tizen itself.

What should I do to get good sound quality mp3 file when recording finished.

Is there any converter library made of JavaScript. (free or ...)


Thanks for reading.

Have a nice day!






I noticed that converting .amr to other extension is not good way to improve sound quality.

We just need an uncompressed audio file for this issue !

In Native Application, we can easily deal with uncompressed audio file.

In Wearable Web Application case, Is there any way to deal with uncompressed audio file?

Edited by: Byung geun Lee on 30 Aug, 2015
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7 Replies
Marco Buettner

As far I know it doesnt exist any conveter on js based... U have to use hybrid application with native service which realize the converte. But you have to wait for Tizen SDK 2.4 to use native code on wearable devices.

Byung geun Lee

oh, is it real that Tizen SDK 2.4 support native ?

When Tizen SDK 2.4 released?

Marco Buettner

Yeah, Tizen SDK 2.4 brings native support to wearables.


I search for JQuery and not found any way to converting. And I know Tizen wearable SDk support only web app at current. So I think no any good way to deal with uncompressed audio file in Wearable Web application.

Byung geun Lee

Thanks for your effort about my issue.

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daniel kim


Please check  below libary which record wav file and convert it to mp3.


Byung geun Lee


It is what i'm looking for, dealing with raw audio data like wav!

It will be so helpful to me.