
Cannot launch this VM. Shared Memory is not enough.

Every time i try to launch Emulator it ends up with this messasge:


Cannot launch this VM.

Shared Memory is not enough.

Tried on after fresh reboot. No dice!



MacosX 10.8.2

RAM 16Gb. Macbook Pro retina

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


4 Replies
Raghu Kona
Hi Vecvanags, Rebooting the machine after the installation of SDK shall resolve the issue. You can refer to the ticket raised in Jira for more details.
Juris Vecvanags
Unfortunately this does not resolve an issue.
Loïc Calvy
try this in terminal : sudo sysctl -w kern.sysv.shmmax=1610612736 sudo sysctl -w kern.sysv.shmall=393216 Must be executed every time you reboot your mac os
jayesh joshi
Mac os X - 10.8.3 2.5 GHz Ram intel Core i5 Rebooting the machine after the installation of SDK shall resolve the issue.