There are so many tutorials regarding SQL Lite database access. Most of them shield very minimal information or not Tizen application friendly.
Few days ago, I tried to implement SQLite database for my native Tizen application. I didn’t find a complete solution that will guide me completely to implement database in my native application. However, I have gone through good number of article, forum to finish my simple task. It seems to me, it is required to have a complete answer that will give us exact instruction to implement SQLite database in our native app.
I have divided total task into two layers–
- SQLite DB layer – all the database related methods will be there. Application will just call the APIs provided by SQLite DB end.
- Application layer – No need to worry about anything like- opening db, closing db, creating db or table etc . This layer will just call desired API and use saved data in the application.
SQLite DB layer:
There are two files –
- Sqlitedbhelper.h – open to application layer. Application layer will invoke this API and use database.
- Sqlitedbhelper.c – overall database implementation and API preparation will be done here.
We will implement few APIs that will do overall database operations. And a common structure QueryData will be used for data communication between application and database layer.
/*this structure will be commonly used in both database and application layer*/ typedef struct { int id; int type; char msg[MAX_LEN]; char date[MAX_LEN]; } QueryData; /*inset type, msg in the database. Date will be stored from system and id is autoincrement*/ int insertMsgIntoDb(int type, const char * msg_data); /*fetch all stored message form database. This API will return total number of rows found in this call*/ int getAllMsgFromDb(QueryData **msg_data, int* num_of_rows); /*fetch stored message form database based on given ID. Application needs to send desired ID*/ int getMsgById(QueryData **msg_data, int id); /*delete stored message form database based on given ID. Application needs to send desired ID*/ int deleteMsgById(int id); /*fetch all stored message form database*/ int deleteMsgAll(); /*count number of stored msg in the database and will return the total number*/ int getTotalMsgItemsCount(int* num_of_rows);
#include <string.h> #include <sqlite3.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <storage.h> #include <app_common.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "sqlitedbhelper.h" #define DB_NAME "sample.db" #define TABLE_NAME "SampleTable" #define COL_ID "QR_ID" #define COL_DATA "QR_DATA" #define COL_TYPE "QR_CODE" #define COL_DATE "QR_DATE" #define BUFLEN 500 /*assume buffer length for query string's size.*/ sqlite3 *sampleDb; /*name of database*/ int select_row_count = 0; /*open database instance*/ int opendb() { char * dataPath = app_get_data_path(); /*fetched package path available physically in the device*/ int size = strlen(dataPath)+10; char * path = malloc(sizeof(char)*size); strcpy(path,dataPath); strncat(path, DB_NAME, size); DBG("DB Path = [%s]", path); /*prepared full path, database will be stored there*/ int ret = sqlite3_open_v2( path , &sampleDb, SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE|SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE, NULL); if(ret != SQLITE_OK) ERR("DB Create Error! [%s]", sqlite3_errmsg(sampleDb)); free(dataPath); free(path); /*didn't close database instance as this will be handled by caller e.g. insert, delete*/ return ret; } int initdb() { if (opendb() != SQLITE_OK) /*create database instance*/ return SQLITE_ERROR; int ret; char *ErrMsg; /*query preparation for table creation. it will not be created the table if it is exists already*/ char *sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "\ TABLE_NAME" (" \ COL_DATA" TEXT NOT NULL, " \ COL_TYPE" INTEGER NOT NULL, " \ COL_DATE" TEXT NOT NULL, " \ COL_ID" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT);"; /*id autoincrement*/ DBG("crate table query : %s", sql); ret = sqlite3_exec(sampleDb, sql, NULL, 0, &ErrMsg); /*execute query*/ if(ret != SQLITE_OK) { ERR("Table Create Error! [%s]", ErrMsg); sqlite3_free(ErrMsg); sqlite3_close(sampleDb); /*close db instance as instance is still open*/ return SQLITE_ERROR; } DBG("Db Table created successfully!"); sqlite3_close(sampleDb); /*close the db instance as operation is done here*/ return SQLITE_OK; } /*callback for insert operation*/ static int insertcb(void *NotUsed, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName){ int i; for(i=0; i<argc; i++){ /*usually we do not need to do anything.*/ } return 0; } int insertMsgIntoDb(int type, const char * msg_data) { if(opendb() != SQLITE_OK) /*create database instance*/ return SQLITE_ERROR; char sqlbuff[BUFLEN]; char *ErrMsg; int ret; /*read system date time using sqlite function*/ char* dateTime = "strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H-%M','now')"; /*prepare query for INSERT operation*/ snprintf(sqlbuff, BUFLEN, "INSERT INTO "\ TABLE_NAME" VALUES(\'%s\', %d, %s, NULL);", /*didn't include id as it is autoincrement*/ msg_data, type, dateTime); DBG("Insert query = [%s]", sqlbuff); ret = sqlite3_exec(sampleDb, sqlbuff, insertcb, 0, &ErrMsg); /*execute query*/ if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { ERR("Insertion Error! [%s]", sqlite3_errmsg(sampleDb)); sqlite3_free(ErrMsg); sqlite3_close(sampleDb); /*close db instance for failed case*/ return SQLITE_ERROR; } sqlite3_close(sampleDb); /*close db instance for success case*/ return SQLITE_OK; } QueryData *qrydata; /*this callback will be called for each row fetched from database. we need to handle retrieved elements for each row manually and store data for further use*/ static int selectAllItemcb(void *data, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName){ /* * SQLite queries return data in argv parameter as character pointer */ /*prepare a temporary structure*/ QueryData *temp = (QueryData*)realloc(qrydata, ((select_row_count + 1) * sizeof(QueryData))); if(temp == NULL){ ERR("Cannot reallocate memory for QueryData"); return SQLITE_ERROR; } else { /*store data into temp structure*/ strcpy(temp[select_row_count].msg, argv[0]); temp[select_row_count].type = atoi(argv[1]); strcpy(temp[select_row_count].date, argv[2]); temp[select_row_count].qr_id = atoi(argv[3]); /*copy temp structure into main sturct*/ qrydata = temp; } select_row_count ++; /*keep row count*/ return SQLITE_OK; } int getAllMsgFromDb(QueryData **msg_data, int* num_of_rows) { if(opendb() != SQLITE_OK) /*create database instance*/ return SQLITE_ERROR; qrydata = (QueryData *) calloc (1, sizeof(QueryData)); /*preparing local querydata struct*/ char *sql = "SELECT * FROM QueryData ORDER BY QR_ID DESC"; /*select query*/ int ret; char *ErrMsg; select_row_count = 0; ret = sqlite3_exec(sampleDb, sql, selectAllItemcb, (void*)msg_data, &ErrMsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DBG("select query execution error [%s]", ErrMsg); sqlite3_free(ErrMsg); sqlite3_close(sampleDb); /*close db for failed case*/ return SQLITE_ERROR; } /*assign all retrived values into caller's pointer*/ *msg_data = qrydata; *num_of_rows = select_row_count; DBG("select query execution success!"); sqlite3_close(sampleDb); /*close db for success case*/ return SQLITE_OK; } int getMsgById(QueryData **msg_data, int id) { if(opendb() != SQLITE_OK) /*create database instance*/ return SQLITE_ERROR; qrydata = (QueryData *) calloc (1, sizeof(QueryData)); char sql[BUFLEN]; snprintf(sql, BUFLEN, "SELECT * FROM QueryData where QR_ID=%d;", id); int ret = 0; char *ErrMsg; ret = sqlite3_exec(sampleDb, sql, selectAllItemcb, (void*)msg_data, &ErrMsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DBG("select query execution error [%s]", ErrMsg); sqlite3_free(ErrMsg); sqlite3_close(sampleDb); return SQLITE_ERROR; } DBG("select query execution success!"); /*assign fetched data into caller's struct*/ *msg_data = qrydata; sqlite3_close(sampleDb); /*close db*/ return SQLITE_OK; } static int deletecb(void *data, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName){ int i; for(i=0; i<argc; i++){ /*no need to do anything*/ } return 0; } int deleteMsgById(int id) { if(opendb() != SQLITE_OK) /*create database instance*/ return SQLITE_ERROR; char sql[BUFLEN]; snprintf(sql, BUFLEN, "DELETE from QueryData where QR_ID=%d;", id); int counter = 0, ret = 0; char *ErrMsg; ret = sqlite3_exec(sampleDb, sql, deletecb, &counter, &ErrMsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { ERR("Delete Error! [%s]", sqlite3_errmsg(sampleDb)); sqlite3_free(ErrMsg); sqlite3_close(sampleDb); return SQLITE_ERROR; } sqlite3_close(sampleDb); return SQLITE_OK; } int deleteMsgAll() { if(opendb() != SQLITE_OK) /*create database instance*/ return SQLITE_ERROR; char sql[BUFLEN]; snprintf(sql, BUFLEN, "DELETE from QueryData;"); int counter = 0, ret = 0; char *ErrMsg; ret = sqlite3_exec(sampleDb, sql, deletecb, &counter, &ErrMsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { ERR("Delete Error! [%s]", sqlite3_errmsg(sampleDb)); sqlite3_free(ErrMsg); sqlite3_close(sampleDb); return SQLITE_ERROR; } sqlite3_close(sampleDb); return SQLITE_OK; } int g_row_count = 0; static int row_count_cb(void *data, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName) { g_row_count = atoi(argv[0]); /*number of rows*/ return 0; } int getTotalMsgItemsCount(int* num_of_rows) { if(opendb() != SQLITE_OK) /*create database instance*/ return SQLITE_ERROR; char *sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM QueryData;"; char *ErrMsg; int ret = 0; ret = sqlite3_exec(sampleDb, sql, row_count_cb, NULL, &ErrMsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { ERR("Count Error! [%s]", sqlite3_errmsg(sampleDb)); sqlite3_free(ErrMsg); sqlite3_close(sampleDb); return SQLITE_ERROR; } DBG("Total row found[%d]", g_row_count); sqlite3_close(sampleDb); *num_of_rows = g_row_count; g_row_count = 0; return SQLITE_OK; }
Application Layer:
Now, our database API is ready for access from application layer. We just need to include dbhelper API in application source file. Then, call desired methods for required operation.
#include "sqlitedbhelper.h" QueryData* msgdata; static Eina_Bool layout_pop_cb(void *data, Elm_Object_Item *it) { if(msgdata) free(msgdata); /*need to free this structure in pop_cb of current layout*/ return EINA_TRUE; } /*allocate msgdata memory. this will be used for retrieving data from database*/ msgdata = (QueryData*) calloc (1, sizeof(QueryData)); int num_of_rows = 0; /*retrieve all msgdata from database*/ ret = getAllMsgFromDb(&msgdata, &num_of_rows); /*sending msgdata reference to get data from database; num_of_rows reference to get count of rows*/ if(!ret){ DBG("Retrieved [%d] rows successfully!", num_of_rows); } else { ERR("Data retrieval error!"); } /*get number of row count*/ ret = getHistoryItemsCount(&num_of_rows); if(!ret){ DBG("Total rows found: [%d]", num_of_rows); } else { ERR("row count error!"); } /*delete msg item from db by msg_id*/ ret = deleteMsgById(id); if(ret){ ERR("Data delete error!"); } else { DBG("Data delete success!"); }
Thats all! Enjoy SQLite database in your native application. Please feel free to comments if any query or suggestion.